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GPS sat nav software for SE K800i (tomtom, route66, wayfinder etc)

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Posted by j600.com

Not sure if this has already been posted already? ive tried the search but cant find anything at all.

Is there any GPS software out yet for the k800i?? I can only find 1 which is the Navig8 - Mobile GPS System but its rubbish because you have to pay a monthly charge to use it!

I had route66 for my p910i which was spot on but is there nothing on the market similar for the k800i? or is there anything in the pipeline??

can the k800i even support this kind of thing??

Posted by Marly
You can't use Route 66 or TomTom, because the K800i has no Symbian or Windows OS. You can only use services like Wayfinder or Nav4all.

Posted by j600.com
are these things where you have to pay monthly? why cant you get anything that just goes to the gps receiver and the maps are on a memory card? any reason?

Posted by Marly
The reason is, as I said before, that the K800i is no smartphone, like the P-series. It has no Symbian or Windows Mobile Operating System. Indeed you'll have to pay monthly for Wayfinder or Nav4all, but Nav4all has been free, as a trial, I don't know how long this free trial period lasts.

Posted by mephisto2k
Wayfinder is a one off fee, just the same as buying TomTom.

Posted by sunjivas
Each of these connect via gprs/3g to find your route each time by the looks of it (correct me if im wrong?)

Are there any which save the maps to memory so you don't have to connect each time (extra expense!)?

Posted by jadler
I talked to Wayfinder this afternoon, they have been testing their software on the K800i and it seems to be working fine, so they should be releasing it rather soon now.

Wayfinder downloads maps as you need them, but you can increase the cache to make it keep the maps you use the most, and you can download cities you will use much and store them locally. This according to a test in the latest issue of a Swedish magazine, I have not tried it myself yet.

Mobile Gmaps support GPS too, and is free.

Posted by jadler
A note: Mobile Gmaps is not Google Maps Mobile, but they use maps from Google and other sources. It will show your position on the map if connected to a GPS, but it is not a navigator.

Johan Adler
Stockholm, Sweden
Motorola CD-920, Nokia 8210, SE T68i, SE T610, Samsung Z500, SE K800i
Telia, Vodafone, Comviq/Djuice, Telia, Hutchinson/3


[ This Message was edited by: jadler on 2006-08-03 11:21 ]

Posted by anophelus
GPS-Watch save the maps on your memory card for later use. Or you could load your own maps in PNG format, or use their OMD (on-line map downloader) tool which takes maps from googl or yahoo. The premium version costs only 30 USD. link: www.i10n.com

Posted by Swaaffie
How do you install Nav4all on you k800I???

Posted by superleeds27
Sounds intresting!

I was after a N95 but not at them prices lol

And Swaaffie:


[ This Message was edited by: superleeds27 on 2007-04-18 15:53 ]

Posted by whatsucka
is there any program can run in w800 or k800 dat dont need to connect to GPRS?? i juz want regular atlas in USA is it possible??

Posted by Gcane93
No idea. If there is such of beast, that would be great! In the meantime, in addition to Amaze and Nav4All I also use J2MEMap and it work well with K800i. Check it out and it's free.


Posted by Kikos
trekbuddy works offline with maps stored on mem stikc

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