Posted by lastikcizme
I am planning to buy an all-in-one phone with various features at a reasonable price, and i was considering a k750i.
However, it's been over 1,5 years since its first release, and both Nokia and SE are anouncing new models with similar & superior specifications - Now, i would ask your forgiveness because of the question you people probably encountered a thousand times, but, would i choose k750 or some other available model, or wait for a few weeks for an upcoming one?
I know that k750 has autofocus with better photo quality than most others on its price range, and has enough audio playing capabilities for me so i don't wanna sacrifice camera performance for more Walkman abilities. And i probably can not afford a model over %20 more expensive than k750

W800 is a close contestant, but i just don't like the looks of it at all! You know, i would opt for the classic "blackish, formal-looking" design.
Sorry to bother frequenters with a question that was asked a gazillion times before, but i failed to see any similar topics considering up-to-date information on mobile phone market. I am eager to remove this topic if you guys bash me about it. Thanks in advance...
EDIT. Spelling and such...
[ This Message was edited by: lastikcizme on 2006-10-13 15:42 ]
Posted by Sammy_boy
I'd say the K750i is still an excellent phone, and buying it now makes good sense, as newer models will have pushed the K750i's price right down. The camera quality is excellent, and is, as you say, a brilliant all round phone.
If you could live with the styling, the W800i would be a slightly better bet, as it has an identical camera module, plus the better Walkman player for only a small amount now of money more. Or you could get a W800i, and fit it was a K750i facia/housing!
Posted by wilson
I thnk k750i ìs not that old, however, the feature that u want matters. It would be wise to look these new feature of these new phone whether they fulfil ur need. Do u real need them?
This message was posted from a K750i
Posted by tranced
i agree with sammy. k750 still one of the best and complete phones. but what are you really looking for in a phone?
Posted by lastikcizme
Thanks, W800 in a K750i housing sounds plausible, yet i guess i would ruin the warranty doing such a change. But, i suppose i could swap the housing after a while, if i really can't get used to it

EDIT. @ tranced & wilson
The thing i need most is storage space for my stupid wallpapers, photos i would shoot around, and MP3 clips mostly for use as ringtones.
Second, i guess i would want a camera matching at least the one on K750 (Autofocus, etc.). So i would probably not need another Digital Camera since 2MPixels is more than enough for me..
I would like to listen to music, though not very frequently i suppose, but something like a "megabass" feature and good playlist management would matter.
Symbian would be welcome in a phone, but lack of it is no problem.
Last but not least, i would want a classic form factor(candy bar forever!). So, what is your diagnosis?

[ This Message was edited by: lastikcizme on 2006-10-13 16:22 ]
Posted by BobaFett
if u can get a new one, imo its worth. the second hand ones should be to get really cheap, way too many on the market, not worth to pay much, cos without warranty isnt the best deal.
Posted by lastikcizme
Agreed. You never know what you buy when you buy second hand..
Posted by QVGA
If you're planning to use it for 2-3 years then better not get it. Eventually you'll have a 4year old phone!! Get a K800 and it'll last perfectly for another 2 years.
Posted by lastikcizme
Thanks for all help people!
Here in Turkiye, K750i is sold for 340+ USD, Whereas W800 goes for more than 490 US dollars. Too big a gap for me to leap over, considering the small benefits of purchasing the latter. There's also W810 with a price similar to that of W800 (470 USD), and apparently has some pros to it. And there's some W700 with no visible difference in specs with W800, but has a price tag of 310+USD?!
I am reading about W810 & W700 now, and i must decide quickly before any new models come up, or i'll get lost inside datasheets!!
Thank you all very much again for the feedback, you've been a great help and i'll probably get a brand new

I have yet to find the price for K800, but i'm afraid it's expensive beyond my reach for the time being. But your point is taken, i'll also take a look at some newer models like the W810. Thanks mate.
[ This Message was edited by: lastikcizme on 2006-10-13 21:33 ]
Posted by tupac1
whats up,
the w700i doesn't have auto-focus and comes with a 256 mb card while the w800i comes with a 512 mb card. w700i has a terrible camera.
btw i think you should go for the k750i (64mb card), if you have more cash than definitely get the w800i or the w810i.
the k750i at the moment can rival all the big phones atm.
-has good cam
-good design
-excellent mp3 player
[ This Message was edited by: tupac1 on 2006-10-13 22:18 ]
Posted by neoxvirus
Try the nokia n73! Great camera(3.2mp w/autofocus), sweet audio player, expandable memory, candy bar style, and even symbian! Comes in different colors too.
This message was posted from a K750i
Posted by QuickShare
K750 are well known on its quality and great package of feature in a very low price.. you can't go wrong with this phone although it's been announced for past 1.5 years ago.. im still loving it

Posted by *Jojo*
@lastik - All I can say is . . . good choice mate ! I bought my FIRST - K750i last - August 2005, sold it after a month's USE, kinda regret that . . . I bought my 2nd one roughly about 3 weeks ago, and am contented (for the meantime), some says, that the K750 captures SHARPER images than that of the K800

Posted by QuickShare
K750 did look sexier than W800

Posted by *Jojo*
K750 is a GUY's fone . . . while the W800 is for . . .

Posted by QuickShare

Posted by simply__me
Also, considering we have some enthusiastic camera modders here at esato (see Camera modding thread), you'll be able to have different camera drivers to suit your needs for the k750i.
The thing I liked most about the k750i is also the LED light. It became really useful to me when we experienced a blackout and its also damn handy in a lot of other situations at night.. :] This phone has everything I wanted..
Posted by *Jojo*
Yeah . . . that's HOW I really

Posted by QuickShare
i can't imagine how it looks like when

Posted by *Jojo*
@quick - In a way . . . YES! Will call it - model, KW1550 (800 + 750= 1550) . . . The greatness of the music sound on the W800 to be added on the entirety of the K750.
Posted by QuickShare
yea KW1550 does sounds like it's unit from japan

Posted by *Jojo*
@quick - But recalling ALL the NUMBER models on the

Posted by QuickShare
i guess This Baby can reach the name to P1000

Posted by *Jojo*
Yeah . . . nice !
Posted by ikjadoon
K750i FTW!!!
Posted by *Jojo*
Quote: |
H m m m . .. what does FTW means

Posted by tupac1
Quote: |
*cough cough* k750i is for old hags *cough cough*
feast your eyes on the best looking fone ever

Posted by *Jojo*
@tupac - Nice !
Posted by tupac1
XD thanx jojo XD
Posted by vizzpv
Well seems like i have done a good invesment for my k750i before a week, so mny people suggesting to get the best symbol of One of the Best Phones..
offtopic ..
i have a problem with my mp3 player sound quallity .. it has decreased after my SEUS to r1db001, i have a cid49 and a dcu-60 only at presnt .. can anyone help ?
Posted by tupac1
is it hissing?
[ This Message was edited by: tupac1 on 2006-10-14 12:58 ]
Posted by tyildirim
@ lastik;
I've bought k750 here in turkey 2 months ago with the thoughts you've have in my mind also. I realy don't regret my purchase. it is a very good all arounder still after 1,5 years. The housing is not too much solid as lots of cracking occurs but otherwise it is a good phone. I have to warn you though , current k750i's on the market are cid:49 which can't be altered via far manager AFAIK.
(any news on this??)
Posted by lastikcizme
OK, Status update everyone;
K800 is not available in Turkish market yet. I'll just wait until it is introduced, hopefully by the end of this month, as it's entrance to the market may decrease the prices of current models a little bit

I guess i'll happily use the phone with standard settings for some time, so being unable to tweak with the settings would not be a problem in short term. However, if this series available in market right now is really not supported, what are the chances of a newer version of FAR manager coming up, covering these phones also?
Does anyone have any info on this nonconformity with FAR manager?
[ This Message was edited by: lastikcizme on 2006-10-16 22:57 ]
Posted by tyildirim
AFAIK k800 will not come to turkey?? as we don't and will not for a long time have the 3g backbone. I mean having k800 over k790 will be useless. Anyway if you say you have some news; may be we should wait a little and see. Meanwhile if the design is not so strict for you; look for w810 for around 700ytl (~470usd) in the market.
[ This Message was edited by: tyildirim on 2006-10-17 11:02 ]
Posted by deluded
I just got myself a k750i a couple of days back. It's a brilliant phone really, been monitoring some threads on it for a long time and despite it not being the latest phone around, I felt it was what i needed. Was using the 3230 previously and I must say it's a refreshing break. The K750i is much more responsive and I love the camera front. I strongly recommend it, the prices and firmware are quite stable now.
[ This Message was edited by: deluded on 2006-10-17 14:10 ]
Posted by Xugaa
The K750 is great!
If you have the money and like the Walkman thing get a W810.
Personally I despise the W800 design, but other than that it's a great phone too.
Or of course there's the W700, a slightly cheaper downgrade of the W800, also if you have the cash go for a high end phone like the K800, or the new W850 etc.
Posted by Pepi
i got my k750 3 months ago and i loved it! though it's an old model it has everything and nowadays it's really affordable so i'd say go for the k750
Posted by Manuel_max
Posted by lastikcizme
I'm glad to hear that even the most recent buyers are satisfied with k750i. I have considered w700 but i've checked its specs and i'm willing to pay more for those extras it lacks. So right now i've narrowed it down to "K750 or W810". A few questions if i may;
1. I read that w810 has better screen than w800 & k750. Why is it so, and in what ways it is superior?
Quote: |
I have to warn you though , current k750i's on the market are cid:49 which can't be altered via far manager AFAIK. |
Does anyone know about this? Can this incompatibility issue be sorted out later, ie. in a future release of FAR manager?
@ tyildirim
I don't have solid info about release date of k800 in Turkish market. I just asked a shop and the guy told me they were expecting it to be introduced like in a few weeks.

Thanks for the responses, people!
Posted by deluded
Hmm... Regarding the issue of K750s with CID49, I'm not sure if you really need to use FAR, but for me, the K750i as it is, is good enough for me. I'm never going back to Nokia for sure, unless it's a Symbian phone. Trust me, you won't regret getting a K750. I chose the K750 over the W810 (I was in the same predicament) mainly cos I love the K750's camera front, although I gotta admit the W810 looks pretty stylish on the whole.
Posted by twodogs
I to am thinking of geting a 750 but what about the probs with the joystick is this such a big thing
Posted by *Jojo*
Quote: |
. . . this is my 2nd K750 now dude, and I haven't experienced some problems with the joystick - lags or not-responding (knock-on-wood) . . . . some says it HAS, perhaps an isolated case

Posted by twodogs
I would think that with the ammount of 750s about there were bound to be some probs about but you often hear about them so it makes the phone sound worse than it is.Anyone have any probs with the softwear slowing down after a while and dose it suffer from this white screen i have been reading about
Posted by SaLiH
I think it is still feasible to buy K750i, because it is a great phone, even now, and it has the best 2 MP camera ever installed in a mobile phone, even now when we have hundreds of phones with 2 MP camera, K750i camera is still unbeatable.I'll soon post a thread where I will compare K750i photos whith photos taken by Canon PowerShot A40 2 MP camera, where you will se that SE K750i can compeate with real digital camera.You can also go for W800i because, basically they are the same,because you can change their softweare and hardweare, so you can get a W800i from K750i, and W800i from K750i, try to search for mooding in this forum and you'll see some interesting hybrids created from K750i (black,silver,red) W800i, W700i and even W810i (black & white). I wanted to buy W800i badly,but when I had the money they removed it from the market (at least in my country) because W700i and W810i were out, and as I didn't want to buy W700i (no autofocus) & W810i (no camera protction) I had to buy K750i. I bought the black one and now I'm glad I bought K750i and not W800i. The only difference is in softweare, you have flight mode and slightly better player in W800i (you can sort songs by artist,song,or album....), and sound quality is the same even better in K750i (no hissing) the difference is only ih headphones and if you buy HPM-70 (W800i headphones)you'll have the same sound(althoug the sound with k750i headphones is not bad at all, at least not for me). And one more thing you''ll get 64MB Memory Stick Pro Duo card with K750i instead of 512 one you would get with W800i but in the end that's not a big deal because you'll probably want to increase your memory and buy a bigger MSPD memory card (1,2,4 or 8 GB) someday. So it is up to you to decide which phone you like more. I didn't even want to flash my K750i to W800i firmware,although i planed to do that, I just like my K750i the way it is. I got mine 3 months ago and so far I didn't have any bugs. My firmware is R1CA021.
p.s. I don't have to tell you anything more about the camera except it's excellent . (and if you buy MXE-60 external flash you will be able to use it at night)
Huuh, hope I didn't bored you

MXE-60 External flash
K750i Silver
K750i Silver
K750i Red
K750i Red
W810i Black Edition
W810i White Edition
D750i, K750i & W800i Front
W800i, K750i & D750i Back
All together
My phone history: Nokia 3310->Nokia 2100->Nokia 3100->Sony Ericsson K700i->Sony Ericsson K750i
[ This Message was edited by: SaLiH on 2006-10-19 11:16 ]
Posted by lastikcizme
Yeah i don't think this "cid:49 vs FAR manager" issue is too big a problem, since the newer phones like w810 are also not supported, AFAIK.
I am not really worried about the joystick either, as most k750 users here on Esato seems to be OK with their unit. I will inspect it closely at the shop before my purchase though

Thanks for the recommendations. I guess W800 doesn't offer enough considering that its price is roughly 150 USD more than the k750. I would rather have a W810 than a W800, but that may just be me

Thanks for the pics dude. And make that comparison please, it'd would be informative and interesting to read. It's so bad there is not a seperate page on the site where photos of the same scene with different models are compared.
Posted by Manuel_max
yes dude go for k750!
Posted by *Jojo*
@salih - Nice post with matching pics ! I was hoping in gettingme a SILVER one . . unfortunately . . . I got the BLACK

Posted by deluded
@jojo, i find the black one nicer. i've seen my friend's silver one and i think it would look better if the border around the lcd on the silver one wasn't black. but that's just my opinion.
Live each day as if it were your last. One day you'll be right.

[ This Message was edited by: deluded on 2006-10-21 09:13 ]
Posted by SaLiH
@deluded - I agree with you about the black line, my friend also bought the silver one, and when I saw it I was really glad I bought the black one, because the silver one looks too plastic to me, and the camera protection somehow blends with phone because of the same color, unlike the black one where camera protection is really visiable, and it stands out.

@jojo - Thanks for the compliment about the post.

My phone history: Nokia 3310->Nokia 2100->Nokia 3100->Sony Ericsson K700i->Sony Ericsson K750i
[ This Message was edited by: SaLiH on 2006-10-20 22:43 ]
Posted by lastikcizme
The red one also looks incredibly beautiful! The cam cover has a different color than the back panel too!