Posted by Stinger151
Today dejan released the worlds first bb5 unlocking soloution.
It has been tested and works 100% on many BB5 phones.
And Guess What its availble free!
[ This Message was edited by: Stinger151 on 2007-05-12 23:58 ]
Posted by masseur
and the link to it is... ?
Posted by Stinger151
well i dont have a link but i have the software and instructions, trust me its out though, i guarentee in a few hours they'll be hundreds of people trying to sell it on ebay,
Posted by masseur
my point really is that if you're going to make a post like this on Esato why not, in the community spirit, share the full details?
Posted by BobaFett
for free? ehem...
Posted by Stinger151
lol im trying to get the information, is there any way i can post the software on here?
Nokia 3110Classic RAPGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia 3250 RAGGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia 5200 RAPGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia 5300 RAPGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia 6085 RAPGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia 6110Navigator RAPIDO v1.12 PA
Nokia 6136 RAPGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia 6151 RAP3G v3.00E
Nokia 6270 RAGGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia 6280 RAP3G v3.00E
Nokia 6300 RAPGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia 6630 RAP3G v2.10E PA
Nokia 6680 RAP3G v2.0E PA
Nokia 6681 RAP3G v2.0E PA
Nokia 7370 RAPGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia 7390 ?
Nokia E50 RAPGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia E60 RAP3G v2.20E PA
Nokia E62 RAPGSM v1.1 PA
Nokia E65 RAP3G v2.20E PA
Nokia E70 RAP3G v2.20E PA
Nokia N70 RAP3G v2.20 PA
Nokia N71 RAP3G v2.20 PA
Nokia N72 RAP v2.21E PA
Nokia N73 RAP3GS v2.0E
Nokia N80 RAP3GS v2.0E PA
Nokia N90 RAP3G v2.11 PA
Nokia N91 RAP3G v2.20E PA
Nokia N93 RAP3GS v2.0E PA
Nokia N93i CEBBO2P (RAP3GS)
Nokia N95 RAPIDO v1.11 PA
These are currently the phones which are unlockable,
Anyone got a bb5 locked phone and a DKU-5 cable?
Posted by BobaFett
pls let me know, when u unlocked one on your own. no offence, but i am just curious[....]goryZ80089QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
"works 75%" and what about the other 25% ?
Aquila non capit muscas-Cand. Mag Mt. S.V.P.E.N. MTL

/// Ericsson Forum
[ This Message was edited by: BobaFett on 2007-05-13 00:12 ]
Posted by Stinger151
lol, please trust me.
If i wanted to i could be trying to make a lot of $$$ out of this but im not im sharing it with the esato community.
Anyone who wishes to try the software please pm me with your email address.
Posted by fatreg
is the file...
thanks to Dejan and nokiafree...
"live fast, die young"
please sponser me

[ This Message was edited by: fatreg on 2007-05-13 13:40 ]
Posted by Stinger151
yep, thats the one.
[ This Message was edited by: Stinger151 on 2007-05-13 00:19 ]
Posted by fatreg
instructions in the rar file...
again instructions and program are not mine therefore i take no responsibility to what it may do to your phone.
Posted by BobaFett
i saw already such a calculator before monthes, but i still have my doubts...
Posted by Stinger151
This is not a imei calculator you need a cable aswell, this software was released today by the same person who has cracked most nokia locks named Dejan.
Apparently he has released this to prove he can unlock BB5 phones, he may be releasing an unlocking box soon that will unlock all BB5s.
Posted by BobaFett
and if its true, why would he give us his knowledge for free, just because, when he earbs with his biz tons of money? why should he act like the caritas? seems bit pointless for me...
ps couldnt find anything about this news on non of the mosr visited nokia focused sites, not a word on it on the internet. only that ebay info
Aquila non capit muscas-Cand. Mag Mt. S.V.P.E.N. MTL

/// Ericsson Forum
[ This Message was edited by: BobaFett on 2007-05-13 00:29 ]
Posted by fatreg
you must know the name Dejan boba?
first did DCT3 with a parallel tool then went to a calc, same as DCT4, and now we've got BB5 with a reader, no dount before too long it will be a calc.
you must have heard of the Dejan flasher from around the time of 3210s boba??
was all the rage...
Posted by BobaFett
i heared of dejan and his team, the way they manage the unlock etc
there was already a bb5 calculater last summer, but that was just crap.
anyway, i ll believe this story if sy will unlock with this program a bb5 fone.
Posted by fatreg
i would give it a go but i don't have a BB5 here....

Posted by amanno1
The safest way is to ask the network.
Posted by Stinger151
im trying but i keeps getting stuck i dont know how to set the com port, when i press read i get "Bad Connection ( check fbus cable, turn on/off phone, restart program etc)"
Im using a nokia N70 and DKU-2 cable.
I wish the instructions were clearer.
Posted by Stinger151
@boba all the previous calculators that said they would unlock BB5s were just fakes, there has never been a true BB5 calculator all the ebay stuff is a lie.
And to ask the network for a code costs a lot, up to £150 with some networks.
Posted by BobaFett
i wouldnt experiment with it, u shouldnt "kill" your fone accidently. i can ask ppl tomorrow morning, they got the right tools and knowledge and can test it. its still weird, that nobody mentieons it anywhere. such news should have been published within seconds on the net, but as mentioend before, i dont find anything
Posted by fatreg
it suggests a CA43 cable stinger.. like what you get with the N70..
a DKU2 wont work i don't think...
Posted by Stinger151

Posted by fatreg
good luck!

you might need it!!
Posted by Stinger151
i think ur file is missing some files from it, as it doesnt have a .bat file.
Posted by fatreg
very true...
Posted by Marly
A few hours ago, a reliable dutch unlocker posted in several mobile phone related forums, that he was able to unlock some bb5 phones from now, but only 6630, 6680, N70 and N90.
Maybe the others haven't been tested yet ?
Posted by BobaFett
finally i got that site where dejan published it. sometimes its working, sometimes not, as the members there report
Posted by Stinger151
are there any instructions on there?
Posted by Stinger151
lol ive just broken my cable so i guess its of to bed for me.
Posted by Mamber
You need the DKU-5 cable as that is a serial with a USB connector, the DKU-2 will not work.
Change the com port in C:bb5_unlockerlogs
Open with text editor and alter to your com port, but I would have thought you will be connected to com 4 perhaps?
[ This Message was edited by: Mamber on 2007-05-13 03:16 ]
Posted by Stinger151
yep ive tried that no luck, fatregs files are missing some files, i've got the file with all files in.
Fatreg send me your email and ill send you the right files.
Posted by Mamber
Yes I have the correct files here also.
..but with the cable you are using DKU-2 it will not work as that is not a serial cable.
I take it you have checked to make sure you have the correct com port? Check here if you have not...
Control Panel - Phone and Modem Options - Modems. Remove all the unwanted connections, so you have one available from 1-9, hence you should have 'com4' perhaps?
Now set the file to com4, or what ever you are using.
Does that help?
[ This Message was edited by: Mamber on 2007-05-13 03:15 ]
Posted by BobaFett
if this will work for everybody, thats good for some of us, but it will raise the locked fones prices
Posted by Mamber
Yes you are correct, not to mention the amount of free loaders that sell on e-bay the stolen software for profit!!!
Posted by BobaFett
according to a lately talk with an insider, many wanted to make profit of this solution, it was near, that who knows how, dejans beta box wanted to make more public, so not only he could have unlock the older symbians ( the new ones are possible as well, but those are still more complicatde to unlock ), more the ones also, who offered this way, but usually he managed it at the end. everybody delivered it to him and les then more hundreds of pieces he didnt even started to unlock fones. of course the price depended on the amount usually.
anyway, probably, to avoid to earn money with his idea and this time, he wouldnt earn with it ( after on some way it could have reached the public without his necesarry peresence ) he decided to make it free and public ( even for limited fone models ) which is a clever idea, but probably a bit painful for him.
Posted by fatreg
there is the proper zip from dejans site....

"live fast, die young"
[url=]please sponser me

[ This Message was edited by: fatreg on 2007-05-13 13:40 ]
Posted by voda_jon
dejan has made a LOT of money from this FREE unlocker...
For the past 2-3yrs he has had this solution and has sold the limited number of unlock boxes he made for huge amounts of money...
He has had a team of ppl taking these unlock boxes to different countries to unlock phones and then they move on... All paid for by charging upto 100euro's per handset...
It is only now that he has released it for free as someone was about to release a rival box that they were going to start selling so he released it to stop the others making money off his work!!!
Posted by BobaFett
now u could get unlocked some bb5 fones for free, but imo thats a small circle, so the ones who dont have knowledge of mobile fones, they have to pay for it in the shops. or private persons will offer "help" for peanuts
Posted by BobaFett
this is working on followong way. its actaully just a patch file, which doesnt focus at starting up the fone thats its locked, so it makes it unlocked. its possible, that if u flash the fone, it will be locked again ( not a must, but it can happen ). but no worries, u can get it unlocked again. aslong the box for bb5 wont come out, only te following fones can be unlocked : 6630, 6680, n70 and n90 ( there are the first symbians where the patch file is working )
so dejan didnt gave the worl a key for the lock, more pointed on a hole in the wall, where u can come in, instead of unlocking the door...
probably there will be a box out, which will allowe to unlock any kind of bb5 protected fones, no idea when...
Posted by Mamber
Well at least he has given some of us a useful bit of software, whatever the amount of time it's been, and the amount of ability of it's use.
I say again, a pity about the free loaders on e-bay that sell a persons skills!!
Just to confirm this is working............
Unlocked 3 x 6680's - 1 x 6630 - 2 x n70's
Posted by Aware
Long time coming....

Posted by BobaFett
seems the fones doesnt get locked when u flash it after unlocking
Posted by batesie
Happy days! Just got to wait to do the N95
This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted by BobaFett
when the box is ready, it will be possible to unlock it
Posted by spikeyjac
so if i buy a nokia n95 on ebay, and then use this software(could someone please pm me a guide please

Posted by BobaFett
no. pls read my former posts here. this patch file works only for the 4 mentioned fones. a box is needed to unlock all bb5 protected symbians fones, maybe griffin will release one, but thats just a rumour yet and no idea when will it be released.
Posted by fatreg
apparently jack yeah..
I've not got a BB5 phone to hand atm though....
Posted by spikeyjac
oh right

Posted by BobaFett
u have to wait a bit longer for that. if i hear sg, i ll keep u updated