Posted by Raven
How to connect to your internet DSL connection through Bluetooth on your P800:
1) Download this Java browser and install it on your P800
2) Set up your bluetooth connection on your PC and P800. Make sure that the bluetooth icon on your P800 shows that you're connected.
3) Open the reqwireless WebViewer while you're connected to bluetooth and VOILA, off you go surfing the web for free. Normally when you use the WebViewer you should see a GPRS icon at the bottom of your phone, but now you don't, which means you're surfing the web through bluetooth and your PC's internet connection!

Try this little trick out folks, and let me know if it works for you too!

I tried this trick with the built in browser in the P800 as well, but it connected me to GPRS no matter what. You need the browser to accept a dummy-access point to make this work(which the Java browser does), but my P800 browser recognises my operators GPRS settings every time it seems. But I'll keep trying and let you all know if I figure a way around this!

carpe noctem
[ This Message was edited by: Raven on 2002-12-29 22:04 ]
Posted by woaow
EX-CEL-LENT... 'just need to buy bluetooth for my pc... Cheers
Posted by Raven
It should also work with MSN and tipicme etc, but I haven't tried it yet...
Posted by lebowski
the best way to test it: a simcard which doesn't support GPRS?
Posted by Raven
I just deleted my INTERNET ACCOUNT SETTINGS in my P800 and just kept my WAP ACCOUNT SETTINGS, and now it works mith the built in browser as well!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by chungagoring
easier test: try it in flight mode or even without sim. btw does p800 work without any sim inserted?
Posted by denong
Great! I juz need 2 buy a p800!:-);-):-D p800 in phils???
Posted by Fahed_2000
I cant bloody wait for the UK to bloody launch the phone

Posted by laffen
Very nice. This is what I needed this for testing pages for the P800. Started to be expensive using GPRS...
Flight mode disables

[ This Message was edited by: laffen on 2002-12-30 04:52 ]
Posted by lexus
Would it work via IrDA as well...
Posted by Raven
Yes, IR and even USB should work too. I just use bluetooth so I haven't tried it though..
Posted by lexus
Great! TNX
Posted by bbasra
Is the free download version a full version or a limited/evaluation version.
thanks in advance!
Posted by Skrue
hey, this is a cool app. ive tried it on both the syncstation and on infrared and it does, huh. i switched to flight mode to make sure that i wont be receiving huge phone bills because of this...
Posted by woaow
Could someone post the process / exact things to do in order to this via USB ?? (do I have to modify the "Control panel"/Cable menu ?)
Posted by Raven
Quote: |
Do you mean the Java browser? It's a 10 day trial version.
Posted by DmX
is it only me if you press on the back or C button when flip closed it doesnt work? if yours doesnt work press on one of them and put you ear next to the hearing place not the stereo you will hear a sound
Posted by Raven
Works fine on mine... But sometimes I have to press kinda hard.
Posted by Raven
Does anyone have any more P800- tips n' tricks? Please share! =)
Posted by Raven
Cool! Now it shows that the post is posted from a P800! =)
Posted by Skrue
Any more tips and tricks, btw im posting this message using the webviewer with my P800...Happy New Year to all!
Posted by D_G
i have a question,
why would you want to do that,using a bluetooth to connect to internet, while you r using a PC with internet?? isnt all this to save money?? yes, but then, if u have a PC, why use the P800 to browse the net???
Posted by Skrue
Well for me....i just want to know how good the P800 is;with its browsing capabilities...
Posted by maurizio
Good question, but I see an answer or two:
First: it is a matter of "winning" against the machine... They say it won't work.. I made it work...

Second: if, in a near future, more and more SW will be available for the P800, it will be easier to DL it directely on the phone, at no connection cost, instead of using wap or going trough the hassle of using any sync sw.
Just my two cents, of course.
Btw, back in topic, how could the phone connect to the Bluetooth while in "flight mode", if NO wireless connections are allowed in this phone status?
Posted by lazzy
To all the proud owners of SE P800. Please post what was the price you paid for? and was it with package/deal,open-sim and etc. Just doing my budget

Posted by woaow
lt allows U 2 have a portable interface if your PC is fixed...
Posted by Jowi
i heard it would be PHP35T here in the Phils...Openline...Unit only
Posted by woaow
Browsing from the sofa or the toilets, for free ;-) ....
Posted by Jowi
Posted by woaow
Phils : Stick 2 ze topic, please. Other topics talk about prices
Posted by iridium
Have you noticed how the Java webbrowser is 2x faster than built
Posted by Raven
Quote: |
You cannot use Bluetooth in Flight Mode, just USB I think.
Quote: |
Posted by lutfisk
why does the webviewer shows big softbutton? same things happens om tipicme on my device! ugly
Posted by Raven
Do you mean the "joystick" on the bottom of the screen? That's because those programs are written in Java and not especially for the P800, so you'll need the joystick thing to control the programs.
Posted by doubleduh
would it also be possible to connect through another phone (eg T68i)? kinda useless, but fun anyway

Posted by navy77
IT WORKS GREAT!!, thank you, however, I cannot see sites other than .com, what am I doing wrong?
Posted by Raven
Not sure I understand... Do you mean connecting to your DSL connection on the P800 via T68, using BT? Or do you mean just connecting the T68 to your computer, browsing WAP through BT and your computers DSL connection? Really don't think it can be done, but don't take my word for it! Try it out yourselves!!

carpe noctem
[ This Message was edited by: Raven on 2003-01-02 23:58 ]
Posted by ktd
Does CERTIFICATES work with the Javabrowser? Need it to connect to my bank...
Posted by kallingen
Webviewer doesn´t work for me.. :|
Not either.. :|
I doesn´t download those pages..!
Posted by ktd
Download WebViewer didnt download for me either via WAP so I transfered the two files I downloaded through Ir and everything worked...
This post was posted from a computer!
[ This Message was edited by: ktd on 2003-01-03 14:35 ]
Posted by doubleduh
No, I mean that the P800 uses the dial-up connection of the T68i. Without a pc

Posted by Raven
LOL... Why would you wanna do that?
Posted by 619
Question- where and how can we check the version of P8? Thx
Posted by Raven
Please try to stick to the topic ppl. Any more Tips n' Tricks?
Please chare!

Posted by 619
Raven- asking how to find out abt the sw is not a tip?
Posted by Raven
@619, OK you're right, sorry. Wasn't thinking. Just that it's been posted so many times already.
Anyways, How to check your software version:
Or, the "trick"(in phone-mode,):
Scroll up - * - Scroll down - Scroll down - * - Scroll down - * (same as T68).
- Which takes you to the Service Menu.
Posted by Ulukai
Great tip raven.
Posted by doubleduh
Just for the fun of it, I didn't say it would be usefull

Posted by 619
Thanks raven, cant find that before.
Posted by WALIDS
I have a problem with p800 it seems there are lots of pages in the internet i can not acces to