Posted by orlean
encountered problem with t68i need info or perhaps help:
i cant send or recieve messages cant call and cant recieve any calls either. this happened to me twice and that i need to restart my phone to get it working again. this happened to me recently this past week.
what happens is that when i go to sms and choose new message the phone tells me instantly "save in unsent" always and i didnt even get the chance to type my message.
when somebody calls me they recieve the message that im "out of the coverage area or my phone isnt turned on"
if anyone can tell me whats this is please dont hold yourself back. thanks.
Posted by shishio
Your best bet is to have a qualified technician check it out- maybe your service provider could have some suggeßtions. It seems to me, it may be a signal problem. Its like your phone has no network coverage
Posted by prowler_28
i've just got a t68i and it did the same thing to me yesterday.i re-started the phone and everything was ok.who says t68i has no bugs!!
Posted by phil.n
t68i has no bugs. There, I said it!
Seriously though, try your SIM in another phone. Does your signal strength indicator show that you have any signal? If it does and you get these errors then there is something wrong with your account. If not then it could indeed be a problem with the phone.
Posted by mkt
I had same problem some time ago. It was my operators fault- i didnt use t68i at the time
Posted by slattery69
i got my t68i in dec 2002 and i am on my 4th t68i.
had the same problems as you every time no network coverage can send or recieve anything.
i have read some where its a hardware fault on the phone which sounds about right as it just happens for no reason.
my mate has the original t68 (not upgraded to i) and his started doing it last week.
its a great phone but i think its very poorly put together and typical of most mass produced things poor quality in and attempt to flood the market and increase the company profits.if they can save 1p they will.
your best bet is to contact the network or shop you bought the phone from and ask for a replacement.
Posted by orlean
i have and a strong signal in my place but this only occured to me recently and ive been using this phone since last year. this is my first problem in this phone.
Posted by Gnuig
Had this problem on and off. 2-3 weeks I have had this problem (TeleDK - Denmark), but I really believe it is a communication problem between the network provider and the phone.
I love my T68(i) to death, but sometimes it drives me mad. Had my phone updated a lot previously (I have R5D007 firmware), so I guess a new update may be needed (again) to keep up with service providers's protocols etc.
Strangely enough, my T68 works perrrfect now.
Posted by orlean
it happened to me again today this morning.
i just noticed that i dont have the green bar on top of the signal indicator is that the cause of it?
Posted by stlblues
t68i with R6a software has no least in my point of view.
Posted by phil.n
there is no green bar above the signal indicator. there is however the GPRS indicator above it which doesn't make a difference.
I would take the phone to a

Posted by bummer
could it be that you have set your sms to be sent via wap? thats why when your green bar is missing, your sms is not sent out.
Posted by MeSang
Bring it back to where you've bought it! Or contact your sp, cuz if you ask me, there is none who wants to help u out, or can help you out! Just say you still have warranty, with a little luck they forget to check it! ;-) or just smash yur t68 to the ground and buy a new one! Or buy a T30x Its a great fone if u ask me!
Posted by dimwit27
hi! re: ur problem with your unit, the green indicator represents ypur signl,btw whats the latest version of your pne?
one remedy for that is to upgrade it latest version to your '
nearest service center ,or try replacing some parts concerning
with you signal problem.
Posted by padlex
Have been using my T68i since december and have not encountered any problems;-)
Posted by tinklebell
i have the same problem with the sms sometimes, instead of showing the text box when i select 'write new' it goes straight to 'saved in unsent'.....
this usually happens after i've accidentally dropped the phone. and i've been careless about three or four times since this problem started..... each time i had to turn it on again and it was unsettling because my phone was perfect (even with the unfortunate drops) until a month or so ago. and i've had this since july last year
oh and my phone is on R6a firmware....
Posted by dericknell
Try having ur phone upgraded to the latest sw-version and while ur at it, tell them the problems u r encountering. Good Luck! :)
Posted by sking1547
Go into settings all the way on the bottom and choose reset all punch in 4 zeros and press yes
Posted by houlty
I had the same problem but more severe. My phone couldnt find the sim but when i put paper in between sim and battery to squash them together it works but occasionally the same problem you all have happens so it must occur through brief loss of connection with the sim.
Posted by fu|at^t68
guys, sometimes is due to the SIM card problem. i have experience that i changed my SIM card from 32bit to 64bit it give me no problem after all. and some SIMcard quality which is not exceptable by the phone. but most of the time service provider will not admit it's thier fault. try to get other sim card and replace it inside. u might be surprise to know something different.
Posted by orlean
how do i see the version of my phone firmware?
btw i did a master reset yesterday and so far it didnt happened again.
i wish thats the end of it.
Posted by dimwit27
the latest for t68i or t68 mms version is
r7a 013
you can check its sw version :
Posted by eric2004ut
I have done the 13 second trick and the most space I got was 580kb. It was the master reset 13 seconds then take batt. off and wait 1 minute. If you do the other reset then deleting stuff, you have to be fast on buttons.
Posted by orlean
mine phone is currently at R6A012.
whats are the risks involved in upgrading the firm ware of the phone?
is it necessary?
what differences or changes does upgrading the firmware make?
how can i upgrade me firmware? can it be done by myself or should i take it to the store i bought it from?
i have lotsa questions about these cuz i have a horrifying experience with my old nokia phone. not only that it has slowed down but it hanged alot for no good reason. it hangs even on standby. pls. bare with me... thanks..