Posted by homer1309
i have a t68i which has been replaced four times so far through orange's insurance all for the same problem. the signal strength when i go to make calls dissapears and i get three beeps in my ear. im lucky if one in ten calls is's so frustrating. surely i cant of had four phones from orange all with the same problem, am i that unlucky?
if i put another orange sim into the phone that gets the same problem and when i put my sim into another orange phone then that will connect all day long.
sometimes i will get the words no access in the screen other times a symbol that looks like a cassette with a cross over it.
i have had a T68i now for nearly two years and never till recently had any problems. will eventuall upgrade to the t610. however that wont/cant be till january.
orange keep sending the problem to tech support which takes forever only to come back with the answer that i need a phone replacement....deeeeeeee. problem is they all seem to do the same thing...
has anyone else suffered as i am or could it possibly be something else.
all suggestions gratefully received.
Posted by volvoman
Are you getting this in the same place, or does it happen where ever you are. This sounds as if it may be a problem with reception in the area you are in.
Posted by homer1309
has or should say its happening all over but as i say if i put someone elses sim in mine then that dont work where as it was before and mine will work with another phone. i know its the phone really but just lack the technical proof to shut orange up. i was also just wondering how many others, or is it just me, suffering from this problem? needed to know if im just unlucky or if other orange users suffer the same problems with different phonesa thus pointing towards a network problem or maybe a coman problem with this particular model handset on orange. just clutching at straws at the moment peeps!!!!!
Posted by tomparle
i have exactly the same problem and I am currently trying to get orange to give me a different phone, due to a new one not solving the problem. not getting anywhere though... does anyone know if I have any consumer rights to a different model when I phone simply doesnt work?
Posted by vinnieza
my T68i signal strengh seems to be fine, may be even better then most other phones.
Posted by Dj Boyi
I've had similar probs with my t68i,i think that if theres a good reception then its ok but a slightly poor reception and the t68i sees it as a really bad reception,its gotta be the phone.
Offer the extra money to Orange and have a t610

Posted by Velian
Actually it is a bad phone. You are just "lucky" to get bad replacements as well

Posted by Z___Z
Had the same problem on orange nl but for some reason my phone just started working. Didn't change anything. Maybe the phone had to get used to 1800 network. I have had on problems at all with vodafone. Had my phone replaced 8 months ago.
Posted by GiantRobot
The T68i has possibly the worst reception of any phone I've ever used. I think it is a combination of bad firmware and a crappy antenna. The T68i craps out on weaker signals even when other phones can handle them pretty well. I picked up a R520m and it works much better than the T68i and T306 in the same areas.
Posted by Shaker
I also get exactly the same problem. What makes it more annoying is the fact that my phone alternates between full signal and no signal, seemingly every 2-3 seconds. So I look at my phone and see that I've got a full signal, dial a number, only then to be cut off 2 seconds later when the signal drops.
My location doesnt seem to matter - this happens all over the place.
At least I know I'm not the only one. I'll refer to these posts when I phone up and complain.
Posted by tCO
Velian tells truth. This problem is caused by bad "BA" (not swith between 900MHz and 1800MHz network), its common thing on T68i. Take the phone to the nearest service.
Posted by Ben.Cook
I've had the same trouble, now on my 4th and seems to be ok so far. Orange Care have always been very good about changing the phones, but its a real pain.
Posted by circe
I have exactly the same problem with my t68i using T-mobile in America. Unfortunately, my phone is over a year old, and thus out of warranty. Is there anything I can change on my phone? Otherwise I'll have to buy a new phone.
Posted by djpowelly
I get the best signal with my T68i, better than all my friends brokias! And motos! I get that when im out of signal... but not that often....
Posted by boto43
I had T 68i but I never had that problem. My signal was always good. But sometimes my phone restarted when I had been calling.
Posted by fannypad
Yep, had the same thing for ages with my T68i on T-Mobile UK.
Always that fucking annoying "No Access" message, and the infuriating three-beeps that greets every attempted call. No matter where I was. Basically the phone was totally useless.
However, whack a Vodafone or O2 SIM in it (both GSM900) and full signal and perfect call quality all the time.
Apparently it's due to a software problem concerning operation on the 1800MHz GSM band.
Posted by circe
It's messed up on the 1900 band as well, since I'm using the phone in the States. It worked great while I was in europe, but totally sucks here. Nevertheless, thanks. I'm off to the store to see if a firmware upgrade might fix the problem.... otherwise, I'll be finding me a new phone.
Posted by mwclarke
I had this happen 3 times with 3 different T68i's on Orange. Each time the tech support guy would just say its a phone fault.
I now have a T610 on Ornage, as i was due for a free yearly upgrade. When I went to do this (in the Ornage shop in Edinburgh) there was a guy in there complaining that his T68i was doing the very same thing.
The orange assistant then said that Orange are aware of the problem!! But there is nothing they can do, as its a phone fault from SE. They say SE are aware as well, and that Orange almost terminated their contract with SE over this problem, as they didnt seem to want to acknowledge any problem!!
Thing is, I think it may well be an Orange problem, when they put their software on the phone. Ive had my T610 now for a few months, and the "No access" screen has appeared once! It only lasted for about 2 minutes (I had gone for 15 minutes on my T68i), but even so, this shouldnt happen! Ive havent reported it to Orange, but if it happens again, I will.
[ This Message was edited by: mwclarke on 2004-02-17 13:10 ]
Posted by Nitro Fan
My brother had this exact same problem and narrowed it down to a faulty car kit putting out too much voltage
Posted by hoffes
I had the same problems with the T68i as mentioned above (3 beeps and connection drops).
1.) Had my handset replaced - no use.
2.) After the guy at the T-Mobile store exchanged my SIM card with a new one the problem was gone for 3 weeks. Then it came back.
3.) I thought this has to do with the SIM card again. I put a small piece of cardbord (~3 mm thick) on the SIM and put the battery back in. This clearly presses the SIM tighter onto the metal contacts of the phone. Since then I haven't had the problem again but it comes back if I take the cardbord back out. Hope this helps, hoffes-
[ This Message was edited by: hoffes on 2004-05-13 01:47 ]
Posted by alexlt
Quote: |
I have exactly the same problem now. After two years has someone found the solution to this problem?? Thanks in advanced