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Which cuisine do you prefer - Chinese or Japanese?

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Posted by *Jojo*
I just love to eat food, international ones that is. Please post your choice between Chinese or Japanese. Me, both. Why, because I am of Chinese origin and I use to live before in Japan (formative years). Hai ! Bakero! Simasen, Konichiwa ? Tempura, Katsudon, Yakisoba, Peking Duck, Chinese Fried Rice, Honda, Kawasaki, Hentai and Reika just to mention a few. . .

Posted by Deanlambert
Chinese for me, for 1 big reason. The shop is only on the end of the road so i don't have to walk far :-D

Posted by skin

Posted by Deanlambert
I like indian as well, but been brought up in Bradford, after a while you get sick of it

Posted by BobaFett
Chinese food tastes very good. Mexican food, like chili con carne and beans! Mmm Love it!

Posted by Ayush
Chinese for me :-D please spare the japs :-D. @skin i eat indian all the while :-D

Posted by Oco
Peruvian, after that chinese :-)

Posted by boto43
Chinese cuisine is much better to me. But on the other hand I havent eaten Japanese meals many times.

Posted by soichiro
i'm half chinese...... so i think i'll go with the chinese.

another bowl of wonton pls!

Posted by masseur
tough choice!

While I do love chinese food such as chow mein, crispy duck with pancakes, sweet and sour pork etc I am very partial to Japanese food, especially Teppanyaki style, where the chef comes out and prepares the food on a hot hibachi in front of you, usually with some entertainment too such as catching stuff in their hat.

In my family we eat more Chinese than Japanese because its cheaper and treat Japanese as a special outing because its more expensive, although I often get a sushi box for lunch which is more reasonable.

Since my wife makes fantastic chinese I guess hers is best but Benihana (UK site) (Benihana US site) is by far my favourite Japanese restaurant.

this discussion could also be extended to include Indian food as I can't get enough of that either, but given the choice of Chinese or Japanese I'd go for Japanese every time.

Unless I'm very much mistaken...

[ This Message was edited by: laffen on 2008-08-11 19:41 ]

Posted by Linkinpark17UK
Given the choice between Chinese and Japanese, it would be Chinese as I haven't really eaten a lot of Japanese food.

But my personal favourite is Italian.

We really should extend this topic to food from all over the world.

Posted by Ayush
@mass i never knew indian fare was so famous! Wow :-D

Posted by masseur
Indian food is not as big back home in Oz but in the UK its definitly one of the most taken-away foods. Also when the pubs shut you can still go to the local Indian restaurant for a curry and continue drinking there too so its also popular for that reason!

Posted by jellyellie
Chinese, but I have never eaten Japanese food; not to my knowledge anyway.

Posted by Alf Nif
Don't know if I've eaten japanese...

But most spicy asian food goes along...

But I Do want to try dog...

Posted by Andy.
I love chinese food, love indian food, And love Japanese girls . the food is pretty good too.

Posted by Atlis
Food is food... if is good... i like it...

Posted by kasei
I like peruvian food, its really good, you must eat the ceviche, its very very good, i like japanese food too, pork, fish, its rea21Ü 

Posted by cadcad
Chinese. Hmmm

Posted by Vlammetje

Indonesian food beats both chinese and japanese.

Or south american food... or greek food... any mediterranean food for that matter... MMMMMMMMMM

Posted by Yaesu
West Indian for me fried chicken, rice and peas, soup hmmm :-)

Posted by amagab
Japanese cooking kicks ass. They have the best trained chefs and freshest grinds.

Posted by wildmurphy
Jap food is totally gross. All slimey and horrible. Chineese everyday of the week. Rather have a burger than any of them tho.

Posted by soichiro
@ vlammetje, so i suppose u like satay, lontong, sambal and stuff like that too huh? wicked! u go girl!!

I try to own my destiny that I can make or break it if I choose

[ This Message was edited by: soichiro on 2004-02-02 12:02 ]

Posted by Krubach
Between both, i love my country's food...Portuguese food.

A good "Caldeirada", "Bacalhau à Zé do pipo", "Feijoada" or "Cozido à Portuguesa" are my favourites.

Just try it, and let me know...

Posted by Bjerkebanen
i prefer chineese food. That Tom Yom guy sure knows how to make some wicked dishes

Posted by *Jojo*
Ok OK, all the cuisines you just mentioned were all good ! I am beginning to get hungry here . . . . One McChicken, Large Fries, Strawberry Sundae and a Large Soda ! ! ! To go PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE !!!

Posted by soichiro
@ bjerk, FYI, tom yam is a kind of spicy soup originated from thailand so i dun think its classified as chinese food.

Posted by dwin_888
i like them all! chinese, japanese! french italian! LOL we like to try out different kinds of cuisine! so i could say that each has their own unique taste!

Posted by Bjerkebanen
well Kinesisk food is still good

Posted by *Jojo*
How about my native Filipino cuisine - come on Filipino members support me here !
1. Kare-Kare
2. Litson Baboy and Baka
3. Litson Kawali
4. Bopis
5. Pinakbet
6. Ginataang Kuhol
7. Adobong/Binagoongang Baboy

Posted by Vlammetje

On 2004-02-02 13:00:35, soichiro wrote:
@ vlammetje, so i suppose u like satay, lontong, sambal and stuff like that too huh? wicked! u go girl!!

Indeed.... and 'devilish chicken' Really spicy as well

Posted by Linkinpark17UK
Can the people saying their favourite food is Chinese, Japanese etc, actually name their favourite dishes, I wouldn't mind treying some of them.

Peking Duck is a favourite of mine.

Posted by snap-hiss
The spicier the better. There's a great resteraunt in my area called The Bamboo Lounge, great Pacific Rim stuff. I tend to lean twords the Korean stuff.


Posted by jadeparfait
By far schezuan fried rice n chiken chopsuey can b any day beter dan al da japanese dishes considered!:-):-D any doubts?;-)

Posted by amagab

On 2004-02-02 16:15:34, jojo51069 wrote:
How about my native Filipino cuisine - come on Filipino members support me here !
1. Kare-Kare
2. Litson Baboy and Baka
3. Litson Kawali
4. Bopis
5. Pinakbet
6. Ginataang Kuhol
7. Adobong/Binagoongang Baboy

You forgot the tasty Pilipino PANCIT.

But I still stick to Japanese. You can never beat a plate of

New members and pics welcome at
- the Nudie Jeans community.

[ This Message was edited by: amagab on 2004-02-03 12:21 ]

Posted by kasei
hahaha this is funny,


Posted by *Jojo*
OK, it's still Japanese food for me, but what about the 'delivery' ones ? Have you seen some with funny photos of it ?, like that of Ronald and Domino's ? . . . Here take a peek !

Posted by amagab
If you like sushi and also like Tempura you should try them both together. There is a famous Japanese duo that makes a sushi called "Tenmusu". It is just frickin' outstanding and beats anything else.

Posted by #1
Since I live in Hong Kong, I will prefer 'Chinese' cuisine. But lately my palate craves for Jap's.

Posted by *Jojo*
These are my top Jap food choices ! Actually tempuras are the best choice for me . . . . . also with it's Yakisoba noodles!

1. Shrimp Tempura:

2. Yakisoba:

Posted by MTNT68i
Chinese is the best but i also loove Sushi.......mmmhh getting all hungry her damn

Posted by Jowi

Posted by *Jojo*
Yup, me too.Getting hungry here as well. It's already 4:30a/April 3rd in my place . . . . hmmm, is there any Jap convenience store open now for delivery?

Posted by kimcheeboi
Korean is the best!

Posted by *Jojo*
@kimcheeboi- Are you a Korean by national or even by 'root' ? Your username 'kimche' sounds like 'kimchi' to me, which I use to eat alot back then . . . .. Man, they sure taste spicy and sweet!

Posted by kimcheeboi
im korean by root-kimchi(ee) rules!

Posted by *Jojo*
@kimcheeboi - So, my wild guess was right then ? What does 'eboi' means then as well? In my native tongue, it just means - 'pig' . . .

Posted by kimcheeboi
HA HA HA!!!!

no boi=boy

Posted by *Jojo*
@kimcheeboi - So how do you look like then? A typical Korean - white skinned, medium size built, has chinky-eyes? I just can't wait for your pics man - is that 8 hours from now, what kind of a scanner do you have, some sort of a printing press?

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