Posted by axxxr
Siemens has shown a prototype solution for improving text entry on the SX1. When activated, a QWERTY keyboard is drawn by laser in front of the phone. Type as you would on a normal keyboard and the device figures out where your fingers are and what letters they correspond to. The laser components do add to the size of the device, but the size increase is nothing in comparison to those strap on keyboards on the market today. The one drawback is that you have to place the SX1 on a flat and stable surface to use the virtual keyboard-- it's not the most mobile of solutions.
Now only if they made this for the P900!!
[ This Message was edited by: axxxr on 2005-01-14 01:05 ]
Posted by masseur
that looks like the virtual keyboard discussed in this thread.
I still find it amazing that it works and am impressed that they have put it into a phone. I would like to see it in an iPAQ too!
Posted by axxxr
yeh it really is amazing that it does apparantly work so well!!..But its all good!
Posted by Lucas
Hey axxxr
I missed you in this thread
You are always keeping me updated!

Posted by axxxr
Sorry lucas been very busy lately!..So didnt get much to keep u guys updated!
Posted by mmsman
though i found keys more user friendly, mor gentle etc.
i mean try tapping on your desk and you will see what i mean

and by the looks of it, it isn't smaller than a flexis keyboard anyway...
i'm not very thrilled by this but it's nice anyway...