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Bloototh illegal in France?

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Posted by Nitro Fan
I am off to France on business in a couple of days time, but a mate has warned me NOT to use my bluetooth headset whilst there as it is illegal apparently this is due to the fact it operates on the same frequency as a military network over there. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
ps who actualy invented Bluetooth SE or Motorola?

Posted by Jim
The country that banned bluetooth is Israel, you can use bt in france

Posted by Eleventy7
i know there is some countries that ban the use of bluetooth (israel for instance), but don't think france is one of them

Posted by MTNT68i
why do they do that? if i might ask?

Posted by Jim
I think it's because it uses the same frequency as the military network like Nitro Fan said

Posted by mmsman

On 2004-03-26 18:36:28, Nitro Fan wrote:
ps who actualy invented Bluetooth SE or Motorola?

i think some smart guy at ericsson......
but then again i don't really know exactly.....

edit: a quick search at google
Bluetooth is a global de facto standard for wireless connectivity. Based on a low-cost, short-range radio link, Bluetooth cuts the cords that used to tie up digital devices such as mobile PCs, mobile phones and other portable devices. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group is an industry group consisting of leaders in the telecommunications and computing industries that are driving development of the technology and bringing it to market.

When two Bluetooth equipped devices come within 10 meters range of each other, they can establish a connection together. And because Bluetooth utilizes a radio-based link, it doesn't require a line-of-sight connection in order to communicate. Your laptop could send information to a printer in the next room, or your microwave could send a message to your mobile phone telling you that your meal is ready. Ericsson, the principal inventor of Bluetooth, borrowed the name from Harald Bluetooth (son of Gorm) who was the King of Denmark circa 900AD. He helped unite Denmark and Norway, and this seemed like a good name for uniting many dissimilar devices from different manufacturers."

[ This Message was edited by: mmsman on 2004-03-26 22:26 ]

Posted by sn3ipen

On 2004-03-26 18:36:28, Nitro Fan wrote:
ps who actualy invented Bluetooth SE or Motorola?

I think it was the old Ericsson and some of their prtners that invented .

Posted by BobaFett
I doubt that france is banned as any european country as well. Its a fake information. But its easy to check if its so important for u, just search some french fone sites on the web for bt headsets. If its on the market your question is cleared.

Posted by MTNT68i
Bluetooth is a little radio developed by ERicsson to get rid of cables between different electronic appliances from a distance of 10 meters. the bluetooth unit trasnmits in a frequency of 2,45 GHz and the system is like MMSMAN wrote, named after the danish king HARALD BLÅTAND the last meaning bluetooth

members of Bluetooth SIG are: Agere, Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia og Toshiba

Posted by Jim
I live in Belgium, neighboor of France and trust me you are allowed to use bt

Posted by djpowelly
I'm sure its only Israil you cant use in!

Posted by masseur
no, Israel dropped the ban many months ago

Posted by Arnon
Yeah, they removed it. We can now use bluetooth like everyone else..

Not that it stopped anyone from using it before

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