Posted by Mavito
All models:
- Turn on the phone and enter PIN...
- You are now in the mainwindow.
- Tap this buttons: *#06#
¤ Service menu:
- Turn on the phone and enter PIN...
- You are now in the mainwindow.
- Tap this buttons: >*<<*<*
¤ "Fake" PIN-lock:
- Turn on the phone and enter PIN...
- You are now in the mainwindow.
- Tap this buttons: #05#
- Press 'NO' to exit.
Secrets in T39:
¤ Erix:
- Go into Erix.
- Tap this buttons: 3#2 (some software: 123 or 789)
- Play a secret snake game.
- Navigate with: 7,5,9 and 0.
Secret in T65:
¤ Tetris:
- Go into Tetris.
- Tap this buttons: 397
- A message appears.
Secrets in T68:
OK! There has been some changes with the games in the new R2B version. Some of the games has gone, and some new has come. If someone find some secrets in the new software, please post it here.
The old games are not going to be removed, couse users with old software.
¤ Erix:
- Go into Erix.
- Tap this buttons: 123 (some software: 789)
- Play a secret snake game.
- Navigate with joystick.
¤ Erix:
- Go into Erix.
- Tap this buttons: 397
- A message appears.
¤ Ripple:
- Go into Ripple.
- Tap this buttons: 4456
- Play a secret card game.
¤ Tetris:
- Go into Tetris.
- Tap this buttons: 397
- A message appears.
¤ Q:
- Go into Q.
- Tap this buttons: 3*5
- Play a secret block game.
¤ Naval fleet:
- Go into Naval fleet.
- Tap this buttons: 664
- Blank screen, not very fun...
(I know that this codes already exist in forum. This post is ment for new users and to collect all secrets in one post.)
[ This Message was edited by: Mavito on 2002-02-21 12:35 ]
Posted by dmgpizen
Yep dont buy...

Posted by polleken
The smakegame in Erix on a T39m only
starts using 123, not with 3#2
Kind regards.
Posted by Mavito
It work's only with 3#2 on my T39m. Maybe it's different software version?...
Posted by mandos
The Service Provider (SP) Lock:
The Service Provider (SP) Lock menu is used to lock the cell phone to the SP's SIM card. Once the cell phone is locked to a specific operator, if one inserts a SIM card from a different operator the phone will refuse to accept it! The cell phone will however accept another SIM card from the same operator.
To activate/deactivate this lock one needs a special secret code that is not available to the end user.
Here is how to activate the menu:
<**< Lock to Network? if pressing yes you have 5 attempts to enter NCK.
<**<< Lock to Network subset? if pressing yes you have 5 attempts to enter NSCK.
Warning: Your phone can be locked to a service provider FOREVER by doing this! If an invalid code is entered all five times, the menu will exit and be deactivated! Any further attempt to activate the NCK/NSCK lock Menu will result in the response "Not allowed"! However the NCK/NSCK lock can be recover through a direct clearing in the EEPROM.
Posted by mhorton

Posted by mhorton

Posted by mhorton
Some of these are great, I think the hidden snake game and the Service centre options
Posted by mandos
don't use the *#05# many times
i used it ten times (joking to some friends)
and instead of pressing no i was giving a PUk (not the origional)
after ten times my sim was destroyed

Posted by mhorton
Quote: |
That's not good, What did you do then
Posted by Roberto
My T68 is not working with this secret games and message, what shall I do?
Posted by laffen
It probably is. You should start typing the code when you see the intro animation in the game. E.g. type 3*5 when you see the Q-logo
Posted by krusel
sometimes ist the nck code to your depends on your contract and situation...i bought a t28 with voicestream simcard a few days ago as a backup for my t68 (to use the american simcard in america and the german simcard just as backup for german callers which dont have my american number) i switched the cards called voicestream got the code and unlocked my t28 for the german card...the t68 was already unlocked....
everything done within 3 days....great customerservice at voicestream
Posted by Roberto
Thanks guys, I got it now. I'm so happy with phone, it's really amazing. My friend is also planning to buy T68 next month.
Posted by moodswinger
How did you get the VS customer service to unlock ur phone? I have done exactly the same thing whilst here (I also come frome Europe), but I can't get them to unlock my T28 (they say it takes 3 months to be eligible for that). So.. what spiel did you use to get them do that for you?
Posted by krusel
contact me under
Posted by ipegot
IHi guy's
I have the T68 with software-version R2A013
but I can't find the secret games etc.
I tried all the thinghs which were dicribed above but none of the seems to work.
I 've got the R2A version after several crashes of the software.
Posted by cnupy
Any one knows any other hidden goodies in T65 except the message in Tetris?
Posted by uncle
How can I see what softwear does my T65 have?
Posted by mirsal
yepp! the games work alright, wonder what games are in the newer versions? ( i have an R2B phone )
Posted by Dunqan
This trick for Erix works well on my r520 too

Posted by Jowi
Posted by ah_kean
T68 really fun.... but mine without t9 input , anyone know how to get it ?
Posted by Phrak
Quote: |
on my T39m, with sw R3B006 the Snake game is accessed by "789", and it's looks a lot nicer that with v. R2S001.
Posted by atomicpineapple2000
erm nck codes anybody? Are they the same for all phones? and if they are what are the codes
Posted by GOwin
no T9? your probably using T68mc, which supports chinese character input in lieu of the T9.
Posted by code
On my t39m works 789, my sw is R4A008
Posted by Pheonix

Posted by TonyG
ah-kean>- That means yours must be a Chinese version T68mc.
You can go to the service centre to convert it to T68m version which will be with the T9 input.
Posted by sschwar4
Quote: |
The nck is unique to the IMEI number of the phone. A code does not work for all phones.
Posted by x-daemon
most tricks don't work on t68i..

Posted by geofox
Quote: |
Choose "Service Info" then "SW Information"
You'll find the version of your software


Posted by rudeboymcc
why is it none of the tricks for the games work in t68i? everything else works.
Posted by dimitrivd
T68 users, get all the T68-secrets and tips in one post; read this one;
(the most ones are old, some are maybe new 4 u)
in the stanby modus (desktop)
(where > and < is the right and left movement of your joystick)
Leads you to the service menu, you can vieuw your firmware version, change contrast, test all the functions (leds, display, buzze, ...)
In the ERIX Start screen type;
Leads you to a secres Snake Game (use the 789 code in R2A firmware).
In the Q Start screen type;
Leads you to a secret blocks game.
In the RIPPLE Start screen type;
Leads you to a secret card game.
In the TETRIS Start screen type;
Leads you to a secret message.
to go to english menu's (<8888> for the normal language settings)
< ** <
to go to a lock menu for the operator
to view your IMEI
Holding your joystick for a moment to the left
Leads you to the first option in your shorcuts menu (ea type sms)
Holding your joystick for a moment to the right
Leads you to the Phonbook search action.
Pressing Yes (in the standby mode) leads you to the Call list where all recieved and called calls are saves. You allso can acces this menu by typing " 0 # "
Pressing the # and * button while reading SMS's you can scroll down and up (the bottom of the SMS, the top of the SMS) sometimes faster then using your joystick.
Saving times in the stopwatch function; press the * button
Saving numbers in the calculator memory; press the joystick up to save, press him down to past the saved numbers.
Pressing 1 and 3 in the calendar function moves the cursor week by week.
To add a picture to your favorites, press the * button while you are on it.
In the edit contact menu, you can cut, copy and past phone numbers:
* + 1 (on Phone) = Ctrl + X (cut, on PC)
* + 2 (on Phone) = Ctrl + C (copy, on PC)
* + 3 (on Phone) = Ctrl + V (paste, on PC)
TIP: You can use your mobile phone (MP) as a dialer if you need to make a call and the land line phone's (LP) keypad is locked. Simply go to the engineering menu of your MP (>*<<*<*), go to the diagnostic menu and select the earphone or speaker test
Then, simply put your MP's earpiece to the LP's mouth piece and dial the number on your MP. The LP Dials the number you formed with your MP.
While you are in a conversation;
Mute your voice, hold the 'C' button a while, you will mute your voice, press the 'C' button again to activate the Speaker again.
Record the call. Go to menu, Calls (the blue icon in the upper right corner) and start taping your call (!!!)
Send a phone number: While in conversation, go to Menu, Phone Book, Search and Send. The phone sends a phone number to the phone on the other line while in conversation. The other line hangs up and presses redail to form the send number. Also works with the most Land Phones!
TIP:Access menu without SIM card (older models)
To access to the menu in your phone without having a SIM card inside do the following:
type **04*0000*0000*0000#
When display say "Wrong Pin" press 'NO' and you have access to most menus
6)It turns out you can mute the mic during a call by pressing and holding C
(clear). When ready to talk again, press C again to turn it off.
Put a non used second SIM card on top of the other, better place to kept the SIM then your pocket ore wallet.
Typing faster without using T9: hold your volume switch down while pressing a button gives you the 3th letter of that button (ea C). Holding the volume switch up while pressing a button gives you the second letter from that button (ea B)
[ This Message was edited by: laffen on 2002-07-17 22:20 ]
Posted by kayla
Under calendar
pressing 1 and 3 will move by week.
pressing 4 and 6 will move by month.
pressing 7 and 9 will move by year.
I not sure is this tips new, but post this again to share with new comer.
[ This Message was edited by: kayla on 2002-05-26 03:08 ]
Posted by greeneye
hey great tips! any more for the t39?
Posted by arunmr
hey greeneye.......
i too have a palm IIIx and a t39.... cool devices... both of them...
- arun
Posted by guardy
Ql, Thanks!
Posted by greeneye
@arun - thanks! can't leave home without them! :-)
Posted by Dreamer74
Any other tips for T39m? Just got my phone last week and like the phone very much. Nice phone with fantastic feature!. The voice command is superb!
Posted by ^DA^ZoMBiE
do the t60 secrets all work on the t68i firmware upgrade?
Posted by alex
Hi Guys,
I'm from Malaysia and an Sony Ericsson fan. I got myself a T68i but I don't see any chance to use the tips and tricks in order to access those hiddengames as posted in Esato. Does T68i has any hidden games at the first place compared with T68m? If any of you guys know about this, I need to know... Thanks.
Posted by john74
Posted by wrlee
Since most of the T68 tricks worked on my T39, this may work for you...
Typing a number followed by holding ‘#’ will bring up the list of phone entries in the SIM card, highlighting the position specified by the number specified.
Posted by Dan_19_22
I Understand that my T68 is unable to have tetris, because the license expired, but don't i have GAME, solitaire and a few others?
Posted by dna48363
I don't know if someone already posted this.
In my T39, when entering text in an SMS, you can use the * key as a SHIFT key, say to capitalise a letter. I found that out when I was playing with copy and paste: (hold down * and press 1 for cut, 2 for copy, and 3 for paste.)
Posted by hyperken
where can i find a t68i in Malaysia ,sarawak,miri???
Got HQ in there???
Posted by kmook
Two questions: Why does the t68 manual say about 'screensavers, speed dial, and associating pictures with people' but none of the menus are in my t68... what gives?
Also does anyone know how you find the pin2 or puk2?
Posted by dj_leonardo
I also cannot find the menu point for pin2 and puk2,
many thx for help
Posted by SkydiveMonkey
Anybody got any software for changing IMEI numbers on a t39m?