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Newbie Q: Howto install java apps to k700?

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Posted by prospero
I just bought a k700, upgraded from a t39 - so a lot has changed since that one

I tried installing som jar packages from midlet.org, by copying them to the phones memory. But here they just sit as dump objects! The only thing I can do with them is send them to someone or erase them, and this was not quite what I had in mind...

The programs folder in the phone dosnt appear in the connection software so I cannot copy them to that folder, I therefore copyed them to the "other types" folder.

How do I go about installing these applications??

Posted by HjJ
Are you able to copy them to the Programs or Games folders with the built-in File Manager?

Posted by Andrew21
And appz for k700 works (from se site) or not, while some appz from midlet.org don't work on my Z600 too.

Posted by prospero
No, the only place I can move it to, is to a new sub-folder in "others" - which I don't think will change anything...

Posted by prospero

On 2004-07-29 16:14:37, Andrew21 wrote:
And appz for k700 works (from se site) or not, while some appz from midlet.org don't work on my Z600 too.

OK. I tried getting a java game from se/fun via WAP. That worked, so the phone knew at was a java game. I didn't have an option to download the jar file and transfer via local connection, so couldn't try that.

You say that perhaps it's because many java things dosn't work on k700? So does anybody know of an app that works for sure, so I can try that?

Posted by prospero
OK, I got a raw jar game downloaded from SE/fun, and tried to tarnsfer that to the phone via bluetooth. And it worked. So I guess that I just happened to stumple upon some java apps that dosnt work with K700.

After the success with the game, I found an other java app that supported k700 (well actually t610) and it worked fine - it ended up in the games folder, but it can be manually moved to the programs folder afterwards.

So I guess the K700 dumpes java software that it cannot use in "Others", while software it reckonizes ends up in "Games".

Posted by ares
prospero, your wrong...if the file has .jar extension it will always go to the games folder, even if the game/app doesnt work...

Only files with unsuported extensions (txt, zip, xls, etc) go to the others folder...so i guess youīve have been sending zip files to you phone (with the jar inside of them)

Posted by prospero
Nope, I'm positive it was pure jar files.

Posted by ares
Then your phone has some problem...in normal k700 (like in t610), the jar file always go to the same folder (games), even if was just, for example, a .txr renamed to .jar

Ah, and i donīt use any file send program, just plain windows - i open the folder in my pc, select the jar files i want to send, right click over them, and send them by bt to my k700 - they always end up in the games folder, even the ones that later i see that donīt work
k700 + t610 + Jabra BT 200 + ///chatboard CHA-10
http://pbase.com/ares (my photo page)

[ This Message was edited by: Arez on 2004-07-30 09:52 ]

Posted by brix25
I'm having a similiar problem with some .jar files I've downloaded through wap(still don't have a BT dongle)... Java files get sent to the "other" folder which means they're practically useless. Btw, I've got ra2e.

Posted by prasad.art
How to install java games ( jar files) in k700i mobile phone

Posted by tranced
That's happened to me. It s because it's not well downloaded or the file is corrupted.

Posted by chili
Agree with Arez, a properly functioning K700, upon receipt of an incoming file with ".jar" extension, will prompt you to save it in either the "applications" or "games" folder -- even the corrupt files or ones that aren't really jar files. Jar file integrity testing is done by
K700 during runtime, not on the point of receipt. A wrong extension name must've been the culprit: "game.jar.zip" etc. In WinExplorer, enable file extension display.

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