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Free Themes

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Posted by MarkOng
Anyone who wants me to send them themes through email, pls leave your addresses in this post.

Current Themes on hand:

[*]Fight Club
[*]Dead or Alive 3
[*]Final Fantasy 8
[*]Reisdent Evil
[*]Warcraft (Not ver satisfactory pic quality)
[*]The Sims (Ditto)

Do leave any suggestions for other themes/feedback in this post.

Posted by Stajlerboy
Could someone please send me the Resident Evil-Theme via MMS? I would like that alot because I am a BIG Resident Evil fan.. And I don't have any cable to my computer so I can only recieve it via MMS.. Thanx again to that person that sends it to me.. Thanx..

Posted by Stajlerboy
I forgot to write my number.. My number is +46738188826.. I really hope that someone could send me the Resident Evil-Theme via MMS.. Many thanx again..

Posted by jindavis
Please send to me via "jindavis@hotmail.com"
Thanks a lot!

Posted by AYAMY
Please send me some themes via MMS !!!!
please please please!!!
this is my number +393478441308


Posted by MarkOng
I've sent the themes out for those who provide an email address.
Apologies for not being able to send through mms as my operator does not support it yet. Anyway, i'm about 20,000 miles away from you guys!

Posted by Psykotik
Can you send it through the email client? Andrew.goodwin@lycos.co.uk

Posted by pb76
Please send the themes to me:


Posted by iko
Me too please!



Posted by Jison
Please send me.

If you want them on my webpage tell me so(With your credits)


Posted by Pkll
Yes please....
specially the Transformers theme


Posted by MarkOng
Alright guys, but will have to get back to you in about 14 hours time cos i've already left my office.

Posted by chorb
Please send it to me : stamenov@mail.com.mk

Posted by barkythedog
could you possibly send me them too please at barky.thedog@ntlworld.com

Posted by fama
Please send it to me : erafama@hotmail.com

Posted by Mimzo
Please send me the themes to me at

Thanks very much!

Posted by Stajlerboy
My service provider doesn't have MMS either.. But I have the setting at www.phoneparadise.com and I can send MMS for free..

Posted by Stajlerboy
Could someone with MMS please send me some themes? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?????? My number is +46738188826. Thanx in advance...

Posted by veleno
Send me themes at 666@infinito.it .
Thank you!

Posted by jnorberg
could you please send me all the themes

[ This Message was edited by: jnorberg on 2002-07-01 18:32 ]

Posted by Nimitzer
Thanks to send it to me also


Posted by luwi
Send me some themes too via MMS. Btw, here is my number +639178428045. Thanks.

Posted by neilpowell64



Posted by Dionysos
please sent them to me alain.weidert@tango.lu

Posted by SE_T68i
Please post all the themes you have to se_t68i@hotmail.com Thanks

Posted by Deemon
Hi, if you have time could you send me these themes ?

[*]Dead or Alive 3



many thanks


[ This Message was edited by: Deemon on 2002-07-01 23:52 ]

Posted by ta1chc
Please sand "ta1chc@mynet.com"


Posted by MarkOng
Whoa! Thanks for the overwhelimg response guys!
Have just sent out all the themes so be sure to check your mail! I'm sorry if i'm unable to attend to special request but be rest assured that i've sent you all io've got right now, so just delete those that you don't want.

To the guys that asked for MMS, I'm sorry that I don't really have enough time now to attend to that request as I do my stuff in the office and the easiest way for me is to send them by email.

Any kind soul who could forward the themes to those who requested by MMS is much appreciated.

Do post your feedback and any suggestions here in this post. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks guys!

Posted by MarkOng
Stajlerboy--> Sorry man, tried the phone paradise thing but my service operator doesn't allow other wap gateways besides their own. I've already sent out the files to the rest. Maybe you could get someone from europe side to send it through mms to you?

Posted by flaminglips
Cn u send them tru mms plz +639172469190 tnx n advnce

Posted by sonyericsson

On 2002-07-01 09:30, MarkOng wrote:
Anyone who wants me to send them themes through email, pls leave your addresses in this post.

Current Themes on hand:

[*]Fight Club
[*]Dead or Alive 3
[*]Final Fantasy 8
[*]Reisdent Evil
[*]Warcraft (Not ver satisfactory pic quality)
[*]The Sims (Ditto)

Do leave any suggestions for other themes/feedback in this post.

Please send to me at corbjin@hotmail.com PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


Posted by MarkOng
Cheers guys! They're all out, each and everyone.

Again I say: I am unable to send it out through mms. For those who've already recieved the themes, please try to mms to those who have requested by mms. You'd be a great help, thanks!

Posted by kieboy
me too kieboy@hotmail.com

Posted by jindavis
Wow really very nicely done-man! Personally I like DOA and Resident Evil more. The colours are more contras for these Themes. Thanks for the themes. By the way which software us use to create ?

T68i Theme Editor


Theme Creator (from Christersson.org)

Posted by MarkOng
I've just sent out 2 new themes: Pulp Fiction and Linkin Park.
Those who have downloaded them, please let me know if the pic quality is bad. As I make my themes at work, I'm unable to test it before sending it out (no irda here), so i'd appreciate if you guys let me know if there is anything wrong with them. Thanks!

Posted by Stajlerboy
MarkOng-> Thanx anyway.. But there doesn't seem to be any kind soul here that would like to send them to me via MMS.. But I really want the Resident Evil-Theme..

Posted by MarkOng
I'm using the theme editor from christersson

Starjboy-->I'll try to go through the www.phoneparadise.com again and see if i'm able to send it to you. Just hang in there!

Posted by Stajlerboy
Ok.. That would be nice.. But I don't know if I can wait much longer.. I'm going insane soon if I don't get the RE-theme.. :-)

Posted by MarkOng
No can do stajlerboy. Still can't get the mms thing to work for me. Think its my service provider.

Posted by Stajlerboy
Ok.. That's too bad.. :-( But I know that the wappage xhtml.christersson.org have downloadable themes.. You maybe could mail him some themes and he maybe put them on his wappage? Just a suggestion..

Posted by MarkOng
I have sent some themes to christersson, but then again its up to him whether he wants to put it up. Then again, not all operators allow large data transfer through wap.

Posted by Stajlerboy
Ok.. I hope that he upload them to his wappage because my service provider supports large files.. :-)

Posted by alexalt
Thanks to send it to me also


Posted by MarkOng
Its in your mail alexalt! Do you have MMS? could you forward the themes to starjerboy?

Posted by Infantino
Please send themes to



Posted by MarkOng
Infantino--> Welcome! Your themes should be in your inbox by now. Let me know what you think

Posted by andreaze
send them to me

Posted by alexalt
send them to me.


Posted by dkawa
Please send the themes to the following address:



Posted by dazzie
Please send me some themes thanks my e mail is darrenpiggott@o2.co.uk

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