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S500i, broken keys after 4days ( |
jnnyrocket Joined: Jan 25, 2003 Posts: 31 PM |
After only 4 days of VERY carefull use of my new S500i, two of the keys are cracked down the center. It's a geat phone, I hope to get a replacement of the same model. Anyone else had this happen?
WhiteEye Joined: Jun 20, 2006 Posts: > 500 From: Jakarta, Indonesia PM, WWW
Has it been released officially?
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jnnyrocket Joined: Jan 25, 2003 Posts: 31 PM |
I think so, I see it on a lot of sites in stock. Mine is TIM branded (Italy), I doubt if this has anything to do with the problem. |
SE4NICK Joined: Dec 27, 2006 Posts: > 500 From: Australia PM |
Oh unlucky, it looks like a manufacturing fault......
I mean this dosn't happen in 4 days just claim it under your warrenty easy fixed.
bart Joined: Feb 03, 2002 Posts: > 500 From: Flanders PM, WWW
i've sold 2 phones so far. we started selling them on june the 30th
so far so good.
i'll try to sell more of them to see if anything happens
With Ericsson and Nokia gone: we must keep their spirits alive and buy JOLLA or YOTA |
Daedalus85 Joined: Apr 23, 2007 Posts: > 500 From: Suffolk, UK PM, WWW
We're getting ours in at the end of the month, so time will tell.
Looks nasty though :/
My opinions on this forum are that of my own and not of the company I work for. |
shinjiz Joined: Jul 05, 2006 Posts: 63 PM |
oh my, was just on the site in ebay to buy one, now im gonna wait a bit.. =/
bl about the phone |
tranced Joined: Jan 19, 2006 Posts: > 500 From: Santo Domingo, wonDeRland PM |
geez! how come you broke it? did you apply too much force in that area?
desing over quality?
jnnyrocket Joined: Jan 25, 2003 Posts: 31 PM |
it's an interesting design. The keys rock back and forth over there center (I'm Barley pressing to make the keys tilt this far). It keeps you from accedently an adjacent key and works very well. Only problem is they are so thin and flimsy that they actually bend over there center with very little pressure. I think it's a little sress riser right where the letters/numbers have the light coming through.
A L 3 X Joined: Dec 20, 2006 Posts: > 500 From: Yorkshire Phone: iPhone 3G PM |
either yours is a factory malfunctioned or that is a major design fault, i doubt the keys should be bending like that
jnnyrocket Joined: Jan 25, 2003 Posts: 31 PM |
Yah seems extreme. When I bought it I assumed that the shiny post between the keys would be solid and the key would press down around them. Everything else about the phone is really great IMO. |
A L 3 X Joined: Dec 20, 2006 Posts: > 500 From: Yorkshire Phone: iPhone 3G PM |
are you male or female out of interest as i've noticed this phone seems to appeal a lot more to women than men, although I kinda like it apart from the flowery themes
jnnyrocket Joined: Jan 25, 2003 Posts: 31 PM |
Male. The phones cool factor is very high. I didnt even think of it as flowery at all, they are pushing the "fairy themed phone" sort of. But you can change the theme and light efects to whatever you want. I think of it as very organic looking. |
>500 Joined: Jan 24, 2006 Posts: > 500 PM |
how is the slide mechanism on yours? flimsy/wonky/wobbly? or firm, sort of like w850, if you've used one? when you have slide up or down, and press buttons, does it feel firm or flimsy?
jnnyrocket Joined: Jan 25, 2003 Posts: 31 PM |
The slide mechanism is very solid with no movement when it's open. The phone flexes a little when it's open, I think because the two halfs are so thin. It feels a tiny bit gritty but over all pretty smooth. It's the only slider I've ever used. |