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Author SONY Xperia Rumors 2013 Edition
Apple iPhone 3GS
Joined: Jun 01, 2013
Posts: 408
From: 東京
Posted: 2013-09-24 15:37
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Just a few words about the competition, while waiting for some new rumors.

As expected, very bad week for Japanese smartphone makers, iphone is taking the Japanese market by storm.

A few numbers:
- 9 out of the 10 top smartphone models are iphones the past week (counting different carrier as different models for any smartphone)
- anyway iphones represent 77.1% of all smartphones sold, meaning only 22.9% are non apple products, and I think at this level we can estimate that Sony, Sharp, Fujitsu, LG and Samsung had roughly 3~5% each. Of course the least affected are the korean makers as they sell primarilly aborad.
- source:

Or to put it more clearly, this can really put Sharp and Fujitsu out of the smartphone business as this is their only market, and Sony one step closer to be out of the smartphone business as they do have other markets but this is their biggest and i think most profitable.

Having said that, this is the iphone launch, so things can calm down in the coming weeks.
Also one could say that the other makers are going to release their line-up soon so buyers may be holding off, this should be true to some extent (eg me) but I do not expect miracles as I am not the majority.

My thoughts are: this is really an unfortunate timing.
Android is winning over apple globally, and eventually this will happen in Japan.
The problem is that the domestic phone makers may have disapeard by then, as they simply do not have breathing space to hold until then.
Eventually, this can be the best scenario for Samsung, LG, Huawei and ZTE.

What is going to do the difference?
In the very short term, Docomo pricing scheme/discounts for the "3-tops" from Sony, Fujitsu and Sharp. Without it winter will be very difficult.
In the long term, Sharp and Fujitsu need to sell smartphones abroad, otherwise it is just a matter of time, with volumes, Koreanand Chinese makers can provide same to better quality for half the price and still get a better margin.

Sony needs to sell more phones abroad, the good thing for them being that they are working on it.
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Posted: 2013-09-24 17:51
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On 2013-09-24 09:33:38, moogoo wrote:
^supercoolman. you can't. but that's the point of the battery test, I suppose. Given the abilities/features of the phone, how long does it last to play a video? while browsing the web?

I don't have a problem with their test per se. I have a problem with them not detailing exactly how they tested each device and their attempt to compare all different types of devices, without giving clear caveats for the differences in abilities and features.

just my opinion. perhaps i'm too picky

hardware decoding mostly likely consumes less battery than software decoding. you can enable/disable hardware decoding. now make that fair...
Joined: Aug 22, 2013
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From: Israel
Posted: 2013-09-24 17:55
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generally, i think success comes a lot from marketing. i am from Israel, and i can say that sony marketing here is SHIT! there's almost NO advertisements for sony products on the media here! even though israel is MEGA ULTRA SUPER HUGE mobile phone country. israelis are obsessed with smartphones. all people here got at least one cell phone from young kids to really old people.

guess who is the strongest mobile phone marketer here??? SAMSUNG! there are many advertising of samsung mobile products be it on tv, paper, the net, theaters, etc. samsung marketing is so strong! no wonder they are successful here!

one thing that is interesting, apple here got a weaker advertisements then samsung but they are still very successful here and they seem to sell more then ssamsung. i think that half of the Israelis got iphone. apple is counted as very premium and iconic phone in the eye of the consumer and they buy it even if its the most expensive smartphone here, i think like anywhere in the world. it's like apple doesn't need to work as hard to sell their phones as other companies.

there is a new shift from iphone to android but almost entirely to samsung galaxy phones.
[ This Message was edited by: amirprog on 2013-09-24 17:05 ]
Joined: Oct 25, 2002
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From: NYC
Posted: 2013-09-24 20:08
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^much like israel.. sony does not do much marketing here in the US. granted, i don't have regular TV anymore, so i don't see a whole lot of commercials. But, I see them on Hulu. I have yet to see a Sony commercial. I also don't see any Sony billboards, posters, or events in my area.

It's sad because I love sony.
Nokia 5160 -> Nokia 8260 -> SE T68i -> SE K700i -> SE Z710 -> SE Xperia X10a -> Sony Xperia S -> Sony Xperia Z1 -> Sony Xperia XZ -> Sony Xperia XZ Premium -> Sony Xperia 1ii
LG Nexus 4
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Posted: 2013-09-24 21:25
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On 2013-09-24 17:55:27, amirprog wrote:
generally, i think success comes a lot from marketing. i am from Israel, and i can say that sony marketing here is SHIT! there's almost NO advertisements for sony products on the media here! even though israel is MEGA ULTRA SUPER HUGE mobile phone country. israelis are obsessed with smartphones. all people here got at least one cell phone from young kids to really old people.

Seems like Israelians over-estimate the place they are currently possessing. With a population of 8m, I think Sony's efforts are much better spent elsewhere.

And didn't Sony say they were eventually going to get round to the USA? I thought they meant at the time of the Z1, but oh well.
Sony Xperia ZL
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Posted: 2013-09-24 21:47
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On 2013-09-24 20:08:59, moogoo wrote:
^much like israel.. sony does not do much marketing here in the US. granted, i don't have regular TV anymore, so i don't see a whole lot of commercials. But, I see them on Hulu. I have yet to see a Sony commercial. I also don't see any Sony billboards, posters, or events in my area.

It's sad because I love sony.

I was in Lima Peru about a month ago and the whole airports was full of Samsung and LG banners and add TV`s with adds. In the city it was the same story. 95% of billboards were Samsung and LG. I have only seen one Sony billboard in front of a mall and that was it.

Sony has to do a better job on advertising in North and South America.
Joined: Oct 25, 2002
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From: NYC
Posted: 2013-09-24 21:52
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^Agreed. Their biggest problem is exposure. They have relied on their brand too much in the last decade. Unfortunately, when people think of electronics and phones now, they simply do NOT think Sony. Even for audio devices and TVs.. people simply don't think "SONY" right away anymore. They need to re-establish their brand and to do that, they need to spend a few good years of heavy, HEAVY marketing and advertising while at the same time, producing high quality products targeted at the mass consumer market.

They definitely make nice commercials. Every time a new phone/device comes out.. their product promo vids are great! highlighting features and design. they have great independent type commercials that allow artists and musicians to create things. They should be exposing all of that to the world in every way possible. Simple product placements in movies and music videos, just aren't enough.
Nokia 5160 -> Nokia 8260 -> SE T68i -> SE K700i -> SE Z710 -> SE Xperia X10a -> Sony Xperia S -> Sony Xperia Z1 -> Sony Xperia XZ -> Sony Xperia XZ Premium -> Sony Xperia 1ii
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From: Netherlands
Posted: 2013-09-24 21:53
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z1 is on a lot of bilboards in the Netherlands
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Posted: 2013-09-25 02:27
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On 2013-09-24 15:37:45, Shotokan81 wrote:
Just a few words about the competition, while waiting for some new rumors.

As expected, very bad week for Japanese smartphone makers, iphone is taking the Japanese market by storm.

A few numbers:
- 9 out of the 10 top smartphone models are iphones the past week (counting different carrier as different models for any smartphone)
- anyway iphones represent 77.1% of all smartphones sold, meaning only 22.9% are non apple products, and I think at this level we can estimate that Sony, Sharp, Fujitsu, LG and Samsung had roughly 3~5% each. Of course the least affected are the korean makers as they sell primarilly aborad.
- source:

Or to put it more clearly, this can really put Sharp and Fujitsu out of the smartphone business as this is their only market, and Sony one step closer to be out of the smartphone business as they do have other markets but this is their biggest and i think most profitable.

Having said that, this is the iphone launch, so things can calm down in the coming weeks.
Also one could say that the other makers are going to release their line-up soon so buyers may be holding off, this should be true to some extent (eg me) but I do not expect miracles as I am not the majority.

My thoughts are: this is really an unfortunate timing.
Android is winning over apple globally, and eventually this will happen in Japan.
The problem is that the domestic phone makers may have disapeard by then, as they simply do not have breathing space to hold until then.
Eventually, this can be the best scenario for Samsung, LG, Huawei and ZTE.

What is going to do the difference?
In the very short term, Docomo pricing scheme/discounts for the "3-tops" from Sony, Fujitsu and Sharp. Without it winter will be very difficult.
In the long term, Sharp and Fujitsu need to sell smartphones abroad, otherwise it is just a matter of time, with volumes, Koreanand Chinese makers can provide same to better quality for half the price and still get a better margin.

Sony needs to sell more phones abroad, the good thing for them being that they are working on it.

dude, it is major new launch from Apple... what are you talking about? Sony was outselling Apple in Japan for 7 months now, so did that mean that somehow Apple was going to leave the market? lol.
Joined: Aug 22, 2013
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From: Israel
Posted: 2013-09-25 10:30
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On 2013-09-24 21:25:23, Away wrote:

On 2013-09-24 17:55:27, amirprog wrote:
generally, i think success comes a lot from marketing. i am from Israel, and i can say that sony marketing here is SHIT! there's almost NO advertisements for sony products on the media here! even though israel is MEGA ULTRA SUPER HUGE mobile phone country. israelis are obsessed with smartphones. all people here got at least one cell phone from young kids to really old people.

Seems like Israelians over-estimate the place they are currently possessing. With a population of 8m, I think Sony's efforts are much better spent elsewhere.

And didn't Sony say they were eventually going to get round to the USA? I thought they meant at the time of the Z1, but oh well.

i don't like to go off topic but what a bold and pathetic comment you made here. any person with a brain knows we obviously don't posses anything. Israel was is and forever will be our home. dream on and keep living in denial, OR you have a choice to open the history books including the bible and educate yourself about the facts first, then we'll see if you post your pathetic bold comment here and make fun of yourself again.

about sony, you are clueless and have no clue at marketing. samsung is smart enough to market here and all around the world, i applaud to them. sony's marketing is weak all over the world. i think they have good marketing only in japan and india it seems, outside of playstation brand. you are trying to make it sound like they are not marketing good only in Israel, which is another false point you tried to make.
why do i even bother replying to your comment hehe.

LG is also a strong marketer here, as much as samsung it seems.
[ This Message was edited by: amirprog on 2013-09-25 09:34 ]
Sony Xperia Z
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From: AD
Posted: 2013-09-25 10:56
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sony next flagship has flexible screen?
Apple iPhone 3GS
Joined: Jun 01, 2013
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From: 東京
Posted: 2013-09-25 12:54
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What is going on, did I miss something?

The guy just said that 8m people is a small market.

When I think I used to worry about the fact that VAIO tap may be off topic because it is x86 and not ARM/Xperia branded!!!

Joined: Apr 01, 2013
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Posted: 2013-09-25 13:04
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8 million indeed is a small market considering Sony hasn't made strong push in US. @ amirprog you seem to have self-esteem issue about your land. It maybe because now when Ahmadinejad is gone you are so desperate to start an unjustified war.
Apple iPhone 3GS
Joined: Jun 01, 2013
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From: 東京
Posted: 2013-09-25 13:24
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On 2013-09-25 02:27:38, spw wrote:

dude, it is major new launch from Apple... what are you talking about? Sony was outselling Apple in Japan for 7 months now, so did that mean that somehow Apple was going to leave the market? lol.

Dude, I am so happy you disagree with me because we can focus on this topic!
Look, may the force be with the Japanese makers, and in particular the force of Docomo discounts.

You can make fun of my point, it does not change that NEC and Pana are out of business, and that Sharp and Fujitsu only market is Japan, and that it is Sony first Market.

You have to understand that the Japanese makers could survive so far because they have been protected by Docomo refusal to sell iphones.

You have to realise that Xperia A could outsell other phones because it got the most favorable discount from docomo, which helps Sony loose less money in their smartphone business.

My point is not that iphone will take 77% of the market for the whole year. I am saying the protection of docomo (1/2 of the market) is gone, that iphone is still more popular than android in Japan, and that the Docomo discount scheme will be critical.

I am also Saying Sony is in a better position than sharp and fujitsu, but not a very good position.
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Posted: 2013-09-25 13:26
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I am an Indian and I like Israel for the counter measures that they take to show that they are not afraid to protect there independence and sovereignty from the ones who want to destroy everything and everyone who doesn't have the same faith as them.
Anyways, We are lucky to have Sony in a big way here. I really like Sony products as they are not only premium but they also provide the technology that is not available anywhere else. Like the waterproof Xperia ZR. I just bought one. And simply got in love with the device. It's simply awesome. Unlike Samsung that do have the hardware but lack the aesthetics and rich/premium feel of the iPhone or SONY.
Can't really imagine my electronics without SONY.
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