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Author K850 Firmware Overview
Joined: Dec 21, 2003
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Posted: 2007-11-11 18:17
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Ok the firt pic shows you where the info is, you need a pin of some sort to pull the plastic out of the phone. there is a sticker on the plastic that tells you everything about the phone. like serial no, week no etc

1st pic

2nd pic

The pics were taken with a Sony Cyber shot camera W5

[ This Message was edited by: darrengf on 2007-11-12 00:23 ]
W810 black
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From: London, UK
Posted: 2007-11-11 18:23
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Many thanks. I wish I'd have known this before so I could see the week of each of my 4 handsets!

My current one is 07W42. Are we in week 43 now? [addsig]
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Posted: 2007-11-11 18:25
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If your sim card is faulty then you are entiteled to a free one.

You need to say to T-mobile that the sim card is faulty, it doesnt pick up a signal when there is one, and if you tell them that your phone keeps asking for a sim card so you then have to take your battery out and remove the sim card and then replace etc, they should send you a new one with out any problems.

What is the software version of your handset? Also is the handset your on T-Mobile? T-mobile software etc?

Today is the last day of week 45
12.11.07 is begining of week 46

[ This Message was edited by: darrengf on 2007-11-11 17:28 ]
W810 black
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Posted: 2007-11-11 18:58
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Apparently it's in the terms and conditions that a replacement SIM is chargeable, even if faulty (i.e. not caused by the user). But I've emailed complaints now, so I'll be getting one free anyway.

In the meantime, I've given my current one a clean with some alcohol, but I'm sceptical that there's anything wrong with it anyway... But could 4 handsets all exhibit this same issue, when I don't think anyone else has mentioned the emergency calls only issue? I doubt it.

The handset is SIM-free as I upgraded at CPW. The firmware has been R1CA029 on all of them.

Clearly the build issues still aren't completely sorted; though this one feels very solid in comparison with my first, there is an issue with the LEDs (the bottom right is 'lazy' and some are brighter than others). This is something I'd probably live with, but if the phone keeps crashing whilst in standby, I'm going to have to get it replaced anyway. What's worrying is I'm rapidly nearing my 28 days no quibble exchange period, so unless I can get on in the next week that is perfect in terms of hardware, I'm going to have to (reluctantly) send it for repair. It has crossed my mind whether I should get a new phone and just sell it straight away, but the fact that I really like this phone - and that there's not a lot else on the market that catches my eye - puts me off. I'm an SE man through and through!

I'm thinking of trying to get to a big CPW this week, such as Oxford Street, in the hope that they'll have even newer stock than my week 42 build. Any suggestions? [addsig]
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Posted: 2007-11-11 19:04
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Im also a SE man through and through and i know that ill stick with them.

Its just a shame that SE seems to have gone down the pan in the last 3 months with build quality issues, whats going wrong with them.

Either they have changed the man at the top, or they are looking for cheaper phone materials, to be honest i think it back fire what ever they have done. Sending phones back in droves isnt good for them and people just putting problem and problem on the net isnt good either.

You should df take it back if its fault and even if they dont have stock, you should be able to tell them that you still came down to tell them and you were asked to call back? I would think tho they will have stock. I know all our stores here do, they also have new stock of the phone so you should get one now with the new firmware that se are placing on the handset at the moment. R1CA037.

Let me know how you get on. Good luck
W810 black
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From: London, UK
Posted: 2007-11-11 19:18
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I was hoping to find that the two handsets I got yesterday (!) had R1CA037, indicating that they were very late builds, but no such luck.

I think like most manufacturers these days, it's largely about profit, and so having products made in China is often the answer. They obviously know about the build issues and China is obviously capable of better build quality, as the last 3 handsets have demonstrated. They really are solid compared with my first. It's just a shame that, given the testing that they must have taken place, this wasn't raised and sorted prior to launch. It does make you wonder what sort of testing they do, as many of the problems that are being discussed here were evident within hours of owning the thing!

Anyway, I shall let you know how I get on. [addsig]
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Posted: 2007-11-11 19:23
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@Sebby I completely agree with the build quality, Ive seen some K850 that look very poorly made, but i have to say that the 2x o2 k850i are fine in deed, altho the last one had a creaky top part but that didnt bother me.

I will just wait to see what i get next week my self, hoping something that will last a little longer than i have been used to.

At least with the software i use, i just connect the phone to the pc and click restore and thats it. Everything is back on the phone in no time. Well about 4 mins any way.
W810 black
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From: London, UK
Posted: 2007-11-11 19:43
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Last post, I promise.

What I do is just ensure everything is on the memory card, which is easy as I don't use the phone memory. There's an option to save the phonebook to the memory card too. Then when I get a new handset, I just ask if I can swap the cards, which they're always happy to allow. Then I just restore my numbers from the member card, and voila.

Joined: Dec 21, 2003
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Posted: 2007-11-11 19:45
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I use

Have a look. Its a great piece of software.

You get to see how warm the phone is and how warm your battery is when charging.

Give it a go
Xperia Arc Silver
Joined: Mar 15, 2003
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Posted: 2007-11-12 13:59
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Hello ,
saving the messages on the memory card is useless cause there is no option to backup the messages to the memory card and restore them again.
what happen with me , i reflashed my phone at the service center then when i inserted the memory card there is nothing my whole messages disappeared

[ This Message was edited by: sahran on 2007-11-12 13:00 ]
K850 Blue
Joined: Aug 25, 2006
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Posted: 2007-11-12 14:04
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On 2007-11-12 13:59:07, sahran wrote:
Hello ,
saving the messages on the memory card is useless cause there is no option to backup the messages to the memory card and restore them again.
what happen with me , i reflashed my phone at the service center then when i inserted the memory card there is nothing my whole messages disappeared

[ This Message was edited by: sahran on 2007-11-12 13:00 ]

I had that problem too when I exchanged my phone - copied all messages from phone > memory card and when I put the memory card in the new phone there was nothing there!
T68 gold
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Posted: 2007-11-12 15:08
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I just called SE cos my camera shutter won't open. (Known bug)
They told me that the K850i firmware for 02 handsets would be out in 7 - 14days and that it was firmware version R1CA038.
I don't really want to send my phone back as i dont see the point of getting a handset which is gonna be the same....

Hopefully this version will sort lots of problems out!!
heres hoping eh....
K850 Green
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Posted: 2007-11-12 15:11
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On 2007-11-12 13:59:07, sahran wrote:
saving the messages on the memory card is useless cause there is no option to backup the messages to the memory card and restore them again.

I think the idea is more to have a larger memory space for lots of MMS messages etc rather than having the ability to transfer them from card to phone etc.

SE missed a trick there.
K850 Green
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Posted: 2007-11-12 15:15
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K850i firmware for 02 handsets would be out in 7 - 14days and that it was firmware version R1CA038.

If thats for O2 then can we assume the unbranded SE software will appear sooner via the software update mechanism ?
T68 gold
Joined: Nov 05, 2007
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Posted: 2007-11-12 15:20
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If you have a sim free handset then i guess you can have it now.
The guy at SE said its been out a few weeks but 02 have to approve it first.


Because they are taking so long it makes SE look bad when they have a fix for the known errors..

Should i have got an iPhone???
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