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K800 Firmware Overview |
mwarner Joined: Dec 23, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: Warwickshire, England PM, WWW
K800 Firmware Overview
Each firmware revision listed below contains the fixes listed against that revision plus the fixes of all the firmwares below that entry.
- Released around 24/10/07
- Updated EROM, Java Engine and Text Engine
Software versions:
EROM: R3A022
LCD: 200610121
Camera: 2.5
Videocall camera: 2.3
Content: PA30
Java: 7.7
Text: CX
- Released on Wotan on 23/4/07
- Released on SEUS around 30/4/07
Software versions:
EROM: R3A016
LCD: 200610121
Camera: 2.5
Videocall camera: 2.3
Content: PA30
Java: 7.4
Text: CB
- Released on Wotan on 30/3/07
- Updated Java engine (7.4)
- Updated Text engine (CB)
Functionality changes
- The video preview function, introduced in R1GB001, has been removed in this firmware.
Bug fixes
- 3G to 2G transfers no longer results in the termination of calls.
- Released on FOTA on 9/3/2007
- Released on SEUS on 12/3/2007
Software versions:
EROM: R3A016
LCD: 200610121
Camera: 2.5
Videocall camera: 2.3
Content: PA29
Java: 7.3
Text: BT
New Bugs
Intermittant / Non-working functionality
- 3G to 2G transfers result in the termination of calls.
- Released on SEUS around 15/3/2007
- 3 UK version of R1JC002
- 3's Instant Viewer (Settings > General > Instant Viewer) application, displaying adverts on the Standby Screen, has now been removed from the firmware.
- Released on Wotan on 29/1/07
- Released on FOTA on 20/2/2007
- Updated Java engine
Bug fixes
- Video preview no longer crashes the phone
- Jangler and Alien Noise MP3s now play with this firmware.
- Some message dialogs, e.g. the remaining credit dialog for PAYG phones, now has a semi-transparent background much like the notes dialog.
New Bugs
User Interface
- SVG files can no longer be viewed from File Manager.
- The top left button on the phone, which previously allowed you to display the previous picture whilst viewing photos in landscape mode, no longer performs this function. The top right button still displays the next picture.
Software versions:
EROM: R3A016
LCD: 200610121
Camera: 2.5
Videocall camera: 2.3
Content: PA29
Java: 7.3
Text: BT
- Released in SE Service Centres around 15/12/06
- Released on Wotan on 30/12/06
- Released on SEUS 3/1/07 (Some regions only). Note EROM CID changed to 51 through SEUS.
- Updated Video folder - video thumbnails now play when they are hovered over.
- Highlighted menu item animation is now supported.
Bug fixes
- Thick black line flashes on screen at the start and end of video playback when playing video in Vertical mode through the File Manager now fixed.
- Selecting More / Information on the Applications and Games folders no longer returns 0KB used and 0 files.
New Bugs
User Interface
- Video preview can crash the phone if the video is encoded as high quality MP4. Note that video preview cannot be turned off, although you can view the folder as a list to avoid the issue.
- Video preview can introduce a lag if the video is encoded in excessively high quality.
Intermittant / Non-working functionality
- Games and applications installed on memory stick from before the update will not work after the upgrade. Note that games and applications installed into phone memory will still function correctly.
Software versions:
EROM: R2A016 / R3A016
LCD: 200610121
Camera: 2.5
Videocall camera: 2.3
Content: PA24
Java: 7.2
Text: BJ
- Released by Wotan Server 10/10/06
- Asian Pacific languages (Chinese simplified, Indonesian, Malay, Philippine-Tagalog, Vietnamese)
Software versions:
EROM: R3A016
LCD: 200608251
Camera: 2.5
Videocall camera: 2.3
Content: PA24
Java: 7.1
Text: BA
Update Service: CRH1069179 R3B019 2006-06-30 12:43
- Released by Wotan Server 10/10/06
- European & African languages (English, French, German, Sesotho, Turkish, Zulu)
- Released by Wotan Server 6/9/06
- Available on SEUS from 5/10/06 (EROM is currently not upgraded)
- JBenchmark HD - ST: 40047, TT: 27274 , Gaming : 105
- JBenchmark 3D LQ: 332
- JBenchmark 3D HQ: 182
- JBenchmark 2: 1230
- JBenchmark 1: 7670
- PC-based PictBridge support added
- Significantly rewritten MMS editor
- Ability to set an Application as a Wallpaper now available (application needs to be specifically coded for use as wallpaper)
- Improved battery life
- SEUS update only: You must now press the Internet key for a couple of seconds to bring up the browser. This is to prevent accidental connection to the Internet.
- Pressing a key when the phone is locked will no longer brighten the screen to full brightness for a second before reverting to half brightness.
- Locking or powering down the phone instantly turns off the display rather than fading to black as in previous firmwares.
- Enhanced reliability of focusing the camera.
- Less noise when taking pictures in dark environments.
- Slightly more natural colours in photos.
- Notably improved picture save time.
- Improved Bluetooth relibaility with GPSes and Handsfree kits
- Joystick no longer wakes the phone from Standby mode
- Large Clock displays above the date in am/pm mode
- Bookmarks listed directly in the Internet section of the task menu rather than in a Bookmarks submenu
- Dialog pop up menu times have lengthened prevent accidental selection.
- Updated internet browsing icon
- Battery meter now present in File Transfer mode
- Improved contrast in the progress bar of the Media player (white rather than grey background to the progress bar)
- The softkey text in the browser is now outlined rather than in relief, making the text easier to read on a white background.
- The Blog background colour has been changed from yellow to transparent to improve contrast.
- The Video player menu now loads the whole list of videos before it opens (as opposed to displaying instantly and then updating as the videos were loaded).
- Deleting an Artist in Media Player no longer causes it to get stuck in Yes/No selections.
- The screen refresh rate when using the camera is improved.
- Improved language customisation for some far east languages.
- Updated EROM. This is primarily to prevent Power On problems.
Bug fixes
- Significant A2DP fixes (e.g. HBH-DS970) - ID tags now present on the handsfree screen, stability fixes, pressing Pause no longer leaves play icon displayed, audio better synced with video, graphic equalizer and phone volume keys now affect headset, audio automatically transferred to headset when playing music.
- WMA tracks are now listed correctly by artists and title
- Green line on screen during video recording.
- Occasional crash when listening to the radio / using Media Player when receiving an incomming call.
- 'White Screen Of Death' problems fixed
- Inability to power phone on fixed via EROM update.
- Alarms occasionally fail to go off
- Phone automatically answers with PHF (Portable Hands Free)
- Email fixes
- Opera Mini does not display the 'connect to the internet' dialog. Performing a Resume of Opera through the activity menu will display the dialog and allow the user to select 'Yes'.
- The RSS icon always appears after rebooting the phone until the user enters the Messaging / RSS Reader menu.
- Plugging in headphones whilst watching a movie causes the screen to go into standby mode. Pausing the movie before plugging them in bypasses the problem.
- Intermittant radio background noise (unrelated to the radio station) can occur.
- Chinese firmware only - Changing the settings to display a large clock (Settings / Display / Clock Size / Large) causes an extremely small clock to be displayed when using a 24 hour clock. The clock displays correctly when using the 12 hour am/pm time format.
- Firmware now recognises DRM protected theme files (with dm extensions)
- Java applications can now switch between Aa, A and a rather than just A and a.
New Bugs
User Interface
- Thick black line flashes on screen at the start and end of video playback when playing video in Vertical mode through the File Manager
- Some phones experience occasional menu title corruption.
- On some phones, selecting More / Information on the Applications and Games folders returns 0KB used and 0 files.
- On some phones, selecting More / Delete from list on a task reminder in the New Events list fails to delete the event.
- If you have automatic phone lock enabled the phone will display an 'enter phone lock pin' prompt on booting. If you have not changed the SIM this will cancel itself without prompting and the phone will continue to boot
Functionality changes
- Jangler and Alien Noise MP3s do not play on this firmware due to incorrect encoding. These files did play under previous firmwares.
- If a phone lock code is present a "You dont need to place any codes into the phone if you havnt swapped sim cards over" message after you enter a PIN. This is a phone self check.
Software versions:
EROM: R3A016
LCD: 200608251
Camera: 2.5
Videocall camera: 2.3
Content: PA24
Java: 7.1
Text: BA
Update Service: CRH1069179 R3B015 2006-04-26 08:20
- T-Mobile specific release.
- Generic version released on Wotan Server 8/8/06.
- Background noise in the radio fixed.
- Vodafone specific release.
- 3 UK specific release.
- Test firmware
- First release
- JBenchmark 3D LQ: 324
- JBenchmark 3D HQ: 182
- JBenchmark 2: 1018
- JBenchmark 1: 5388
Software versions:
EROM: R3A016
LCD: 200604051
Camera: 2.4
Videocall camera: 2.3
Content: PA24
Java: 7.1
Text: AG
Update Service: CRH1069179 R3B015 2006-04-26 08:20
User Interface
- Occasional screen corruption, most notably a line on the screen during video recording, but also slight corruption when navigating through menus.
- Opera Mini does not display the 'connect to the internet' dialog. Performing a Resume of Opera through the activity menu will display the dialog and allow the user to select 'Yes'.
- The Call Log can sometimes stop working. Deleting the entries in the call log has been known to restore it's functionality.
- Plugging in headphones whilst watching a movie causes the screen to go into standby mode. Pausing the movie before plugging them in bypasses the problem.
- Chinese firmware only - Changing the settings to display a large clock (Settings / Display / Clock Size / Large) causes an extremely small clock to be displayed when using a 24 hour clock. The clock displays correctly when using the 12 hour am/pm time format.
- Whilst in the Main Menu, if you select a menu item with the keypad (e.g. 7 for the file manager) and then hit Back to go back to the Main Menu, the selected menu item will be highlighted but the title will be incorrect (it will display the name of the previous menu item selected)
- The text searching feature in the File Manager does not work. This menu should really use 1-9 to select a specific menu item rather than doing a rather pointless text search on the 9 menu items.
- Many 'Press Ok' dialog boxes throughout the phone are displayed for such a short period of time that their inclusion leads to the user selecting an unwanted menu option rather than selecting Ok. Such dialogs should be removed.
- Selecting 'Settings / Calls / Manage Calls / Accept Calls / Only from list' only blocks those calls whose number is present in the phonebook. All unknown numbers are automatically accepted.
- The total call time in the Service Menu / Service Tests / Total Call Time does not match the time in Settings / Calls / Time & cost / Call timers.
- Previewing MMSes with Video often fails to play the audio.
- Changing between full-screen and Landscape while watching a paused video resets the timer to 00:00 until the video is unpaused.
- The RSS icon always appears after rebooting the phone until the user enters the Messaging / RSS Reader menu.
Intermittant / Non-working functionality
- Rapidly entering text into the phone (via T9 or multitap) can result in lost characters / unread keypresses.
- Cannot send emails to some SMTP servers which don't require validation (it appears that the email client tries to send blank login records to the server)
- Alarms occasionally fail to go off
- Key sounds, if enabled, can fail after a period of time (possibly after an alarm has gone off)
- Occasional temporary freezes during phone usage.
- Intermittant radio background noise (unrelated to the radio station) can occur. This can be fixed by turning the radio off and then on again.
- Occasional loss of shortcuts on phone restart.
- Very occasional crashes ('White Screen Of Death')
- Occasional crash when listening to the radio / using Media Player when receiving an incomming call.
- Very occasional file corruption (loss of access to the Games and Application folders).
K790 Firmware
- Equivalent to R1ED001
- First release. Equivalent to R1CB001
Accessing Firmware Information
To find out which firmware revision your phone currently has installed, select Menu > Settings > General > Update service > Software version. For more detailed software versioning information, perform the following:
Where < and > represents pushing the joystick left and right respectively.
Sony Ericsson Update Service
The firmware of the K800/K790 can be upgraded either over the air by selecting Settings / Update Service / Search for update or via the more traditional (and potentially cheaper) method of the Sony Ericsson Update Service. In order to use SEUS you will need to have internet access (preferably Broadband) and attach your phone to your PC via the supplied USB cable.
If you run into problems, you may wish to download and install Sun's Java Runtime Environment separately.
If the firmware update fails part way through, retry the SEUS. If the update consistently fails you will need to perform a Master Reset on your phone. It is likely that you will be required to perform a Reset All - a settings reset is unlikely to do the job. It is recommended to use a tool such as MyPhoneExplorer to create a backup of the data on your phone before performing a Master Reset. Note that you will still lose any games, themes or ringtones present in your phone's memory.
SEUS will currently install the following firmware revisions for UK phone brands:
Unbranded UK (CDA102511/2) - R1JG001
O2 UK (CDA102511/41) - R1JG001
Vodafone UK (CDA102511/15) - R1ED001
Orange UK (CDA102511/47) - R1CB001
3 UK (CDA102511/69) - R1JE001
T-Mobile (CDA102511/12) - R1CF001
Third Party Update Services
Third party firmware updates are available from Wotan Server. The use of third party solutions will theoretically void your warranty (although in practice the phone vendor is unlikely to notice) so should only be used in preference to SEUS for debranding purposes or updating a problematic phone locked out of SEUS by the service provider.
Drivers for all current Sony Ericsson phones can be downloaded from EMMA.
Other Sony Ericsson Firmware Overviews
K750 / W800
K700 / K500
T610 / T630
[ This Message was edited by: mwarner on 2008-01-07 16:27 ] |
aremaboy Joined: Nov 27, 2004 Posts: > 500 From: Malang, Indonesia PM |
The followings are the firmware history of my K800i. Updated each time an update, or re-update, a test or anything takes place on the phone. Just for the sake of my K800i 'diary'. Sort of..
-I got K800i on August,1st, 2006. Cool phone although it cost USD 460..and the f/w I get is R1BC001
-On October 6, 2006 I successfully updated the f/w to R1ED001. A great f/w so far.
-On January 3, 2007 the new R1GB001 is successfully installed on my K800i via SEUS.
-On January 11, 2007 I re-installed R1GB001 via SEUS due to my worry that a corruption after attempting upgrading my R3A011 EROM via WotanServer took place. The EROM upgrade failed as mine is EROM CID 51.
-On January 21, 2007, I re-installed R1GB001 successfully just to test the new internet connection available here in the town.
-On February 1st, 2007, I flashed mine to R1JC002 via Wotan Server. All data were erased; it was as if brand-new phone. It's the 1st time I used this service, though. I got 1E0W tag on customisation. SEUS still works fine with it. No problem. I got the additional T9 in Bahasa Indonesia.
-On February 8, 2007, I came across Wotan Server Client ver. 0.9.981 and surprisingly it said it is able to upgrade old EROM R3A011 to R3A016 despite CID 51. My luck then. The EROM upgrade went smoothly. Alhamdulillah, my K800i is free from WS0D bug.
-On February 27, 2007, I reflashed the phone again to R1JC002 via Wotan Server just to test the effect of AMR-enabling and Call Timer reset. I got 99E0W at my customisation info. Don't know what it is.
-Tested again to reflash with WotanServer, on March 02, 2007, still with R1JC002, it remained the same. The conclusion is, as long as it works just fine, it's not a big deal.
-On March, 05, 2007, to know whether 99E0W string is gone or not via SEUS, I ran the updater. No, it's NOT gone. The phone went back to R1GB001. Then, I flashed it back to R1JC002 via Wotan Server. Strangely enough, despite the same client, steps and files, 99E0W string is gone, replaced by 1E0W. Can't explain why. Crazy..
-On March 13, 2007, I ran SEUS and updated my K800i to R1JG001. Alhamdullillah...finally...
-I tested to re-update mine by using the already-downloaded R1JG001 saved in Update Service folder at Drive C. It worked! No needed to re-download the big file. It was March 15, 2007.
-March 22, 2007: Tried WotanServer R1JG001 CID 52 firmware to flash the phone. I got 99E0W again. What the hell? I tried with SEUS. As usual, it is recognised very well. Can't explain this 99E0W.
-March 28, 2007, via Wotan, I converted the phone to K810i. All went perfectly, except there was a problem with some keys backlight. I flashed the phone back to R1JG001 K800i.
-March 31, 2007--I flashed mine to R1KC001 GENERIC with EUROPE 5 custpack via Wotan, meaning changing my CDA as APAC R1KC001 wasn't available at that time. Later may be?
- April 8, 2007 : As Wotan Server has uploaded R1KC001 for APAC CDA, I flashed my K800i just now. I get my Bahasa Indonesia again. Alhamdulillah.
-On April 26, 2007 I flashed my K800i to R1KG001 with EUROPE 5 CDA. Couldn't stand waiting for APAC availability on Wotan Server.
-May 10, 2007 I re-flashed the phone to R1KG001 EUROPE 5. Before, my K800i was infected with local viruses, Brontok and Trojan. Formatted my 1 GB SanDisk M2..
-May 15, 2007, I found a way to dismiss 1E0W or 99E0W on Wotan flash. It was my foolish mistake for putting back the M2 and SIM Card before 'Please Wait..'configuration process! So, when the flash is done, take out the battery, power on, simply wait until 'Please Wait' bar finishes doing the process successfully, turn off the phone, insert the M2 and SIM Card back, power it on. Voila! Tested with R1KG001 EUROPE 5. As note, it seems SEUS won't update any APAC with this firmware.
-on June 2, 2007 I reinstalled Wotan Server R1KG001 EUROPE 5 to my phone. It's the final decision due to stability of firmware.
-on June 7, 2007, I flashed my K800i back to APAC CDA due to the availability of the latest R1KG001 via Wotan Server. I'm very pleased to get my Bahasa Indonesia back.
THE END OF MY K800i: On July 1st, 2007 I sold my K800i and got the new K810i. It was R1KG001 on the purchase and then I flashed it via Wotan Server to R6BC002 APAC. It's just a nice lovely phone with great design at the regret. Thanks my old K800i...welcome my new K810i...
[ This Message was edited by: aremaboy on 2007-07-02 13:28 ] |
mwarner Joined: Dec 23, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: Warwickshire, England PM, WWW
It will be interesting to see if the K790 / K800 becomes more popular than the K750 / W800 were! The current views on my firmware posts are:
K750 / W800: 1,254,482
K700 / K500 : 311,350
T610 / W800: 33,104
Any guesses on what the view count on this thread will be this time next year ? |
JAGUY85 Joined: Oct 17, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: Jamaica PM |
Is it just my phone or do you only have >* as the shortcut to check firmware? I see the same thing in the K750 thread, but I thought there were more steps.
This message was posted from a Nokia |
alexlui Joined: Sep 19, 2004 Posts: 76 From: Hong Kong SAR PM |
My firmware:
prgCXC1250215_HONG_KONG_W1 R1CB001
EROM: R3A011
LCD SW versions
Main display
Current: 200604051
Camera SW versions
Current: 2.4
Video call camera
current: 2.3
ITP SW version
CXC 125 0310 R2J
CDA102511/85 R7A
cxc1250490 R1CB001
Memory Stick: No file found
Contect version
Memory Stick: No file found
Java SW version
Text revision:
Update service SW
UA version:
CRH1069179 R3B015
2006-04-26 08:20
mwarner Joined: Dec 23, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: Warwickshire, England PM, WWW
Thanks for that! It's more comprehensive information than I previously had.
I don't suppose someone with a K800 could run some JBenchmark tests for me could they? |
mwarner Joined: Dec 23, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: Warwickshire, England PM, WWW
Added JBenchmark scores to the first post. |
aremaboy Joined: Nov 27, 2004 Posts: > 500 From: Malang, Indonesia PM |
@alexlui: why don't you write an initial review of the new toy K800i? We wanna know how this K750 successor is it slow in menu? Is it grainy in its 3.2 MP shot? Is there any noticeable bug yet? Is there hissing sound? What are embedded in the media section? etc..etc..hmm-I can't wait to touch it for real ASAP.. |
aremaboy Joined: Nov 27, 2004 Posts: > 500 From: Malang, Indonesia PM |
SEUS version supports the K800i firmware update...check this out[....]s&lm=ps1_1&pid=10407&fid=21839
Anyway, nobody has problems with K800i?? Just curious... |
mwarner Joined: Dec 23, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: Warwickshire, England PM, WWW
Added a link to the K800/K790 SEUS page to the first post. |
msach Joined: Oct 29, 2004 Posts: 54 From: UK Midlands PM |
had mines for about 2 days now and not a single fault its on o2 but unlocked and am using my three uk sim card with out any problems besides cant find the internet settings for three uk. |
gareb Joined: Sep 05, 2002 Posts: > 500 PM |
Just wanna wish you many,many posts on this thread. The last one did help me atleast.
[ This Message was edited by: gareb on 2006-07-01 22:55 ] |
Xugaa Joined: Oct 05, 2005 Posts: > 500 From: Great Britain PM |
Cheers for doing this Mwarner...!
'Per Ardua Ad Astra' - Through Adversity To The Stars 
[ This Message was edited by: Xugaa on 2006-07-02 10:53 ] |
Aldrew Joined: Sep 07, 2004 Posts: 283 From: Milton Keynes, UK PM |
@mwarner, good to see you've taken control of the firmware thread. I've loved your K700 and K750 one's. |
toggee Joined: Mar 25, 2003 Posts: 10 PM |
I have a couple of Vodafone ones and there Firmware says R1CE001.
Any ideas when or if Divinci are going to be able to debrand, as I am keen to loose the Voda stuff? |
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