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Modding for DB3150 - K850i W910i W890i C702 C902 W760i etc |
totalgsm Joined: Jan 12, 2007 Posts: > 500 From: PM, WWW
Here is the good news guys
We got a lot of request asking us to enable the modding for these phone.
After thinking we have decided to launch the service for modding.
We will open up the file system for the people , but you must know what file to remove and add ( completely left to you)
Suggestions are welcome from everyone.
It will be a separate client only for modding.
Sept 6th
There is going to be a slight delay, in the launch.
Need to test it fully before we release it.
Visit for Remote and Instant unlocking and Debranding services for all Sony Ericsson Phones. Visit forum
[ This Message was edited by: totalgsm on 2008-09-06 17:25 ] |
tranced Joined: Jan 19, 2006 Posts: > 500 From: Santo Domingo, wonDeRland PM |
you seem to be very kind, my mister
is patching available already?
Aware Joined: Jun 24, 2006 Posts: > 500 From: Oxon, UK PM |
Ah, but are you offering it for free(a-la XS++, etc), or intending to make money(expected)??
 p990i(r6d), n82-1(20.0.062) * treat people as you expect to be treated! * a-zott platinum/tttt in ~3 years...  rip expanded call lists! |
Raiderski Joined: Jul 03, 2006 Posts: > 500 From: Poland, Hell, Mountains PM, WWW
what will be expected price for this pleasure?
Luhccas-U1a Joined: Mar 24, 2008 Posts: > 500 PM, WWW
10 euros Raiderski...
The trick is customize_upgrade.xml like the first non brute force for db2020
Is a way,i've done on my k850(acoustics from w980,menus from w910 etc)
Waiting your help for mod the camdriver "master" !hehehehehe |
totalgsm Joined: Jan 12, 2007 Posts: > 500 From: PM, WWW
Not yet done.
Will be done in maybe 2 days , want to take all suggestions before we complete it.
Regarding the price , I leave it to you guys( Please something reasonable)
Min 5 eur max i leave it to you guys lol
Visit for Remote and Instant unlocking and Debranding services for all Sony Ericsson Phones. Visit forum
[ This Message was edited by: totalgsm on 2008-09-03 14:21 ] |
Luhccas-U1a Joined: Mar 24, 2008 Posts: > 500 PM, WWW
We want for free !Kidding,5 euros is a nice price to start... |
brazzuka's Joined: Nov 14, 2007 Posts: > 500 From: South World-Antartida-Sweden PM, WWW
Can I make a suggestion?
totalgsm Joined: Jan 12, 2007 Posts: > 500 From: PM, WWW
Anyone is free to make a suggestion.
strizlow800 Joined: Aug 23, 2006 Posts: > 500 From: Macedonia, Skopje PM |
Yeah that's good for DB3150 users until the platform is cracked.
brazzuka's Joined: Nov 14, 2007 Posts: > 500 From: South World-Antartida-Sweden PM, WWW
You need $$ to pay benefits costs of the programme and too need of the developers for that programs are popular.
Will could make agreement or make a deal about this.Because basically exist three programs "until now" to modded the sony ericsson mobile phones and all the codes are broken.
strizlow800 Joined: Aug 23, 2006 Posts: > 500 From: Macedonia, Skopje PM |
What you mean by that?
totalgsm Joined: Jan 12, 2007 Posts: > 500 From: PM, WWW
We have to price it as we have server cost , bandwidth , programmer fee, transaction fee for paypal etc.
That's why making something reasonable. This is not mainly for making money, its about being the first to offer
number1 Joined: Sep 12, 2007 Posts: > 500 From: UK,kent,Sittingbourne PM |
Who would actually pay to mod there phone?:-o i wouldnt just wait for the free solutions.
brazzuka's Joined: Nov 14, 2007 Posts: > 500 From: South World-Antartida-Sweden PM, WWW
Yes I understand, but the ericsson to leave their drivers free to be improved and perfected by developers and other companies do not follow the same for another methodology.
I think that everyone would earn about a possible agreement between developers of popular far/setool/phonexs++ programs and developers of drivers so all users could pay for something useful.
Simple suggestion