
Forum > Sony Ericsson / Sony > Symbian phones > P900 emulator

Author P900 emulator
Joined: Jan 06, 2004
Posts: 102
From: ge foie
Posted: 2004-01-28 12:27
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Hello everyone. I need a p900 emulator for "Academic" purposes. (Yes you heard right!!!). I have to play around with WML, and need the emulator to test it. I never thought the day would come when pissing around with my phone would be classed as "Academic". If anyone can tell me where to get the emulator they would be a big help to my... "Academic" Studies.

Thanks in Advance

WildCard#! (Phd in being a crazy fool) [addsig]
P800 no flip
Joined: May 15, 2002
Posts: > 500
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2004-01-28 12:34
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Hello Wildcard,

The 'emulator' is a sub program from the SDK, there are several files to get the emulator working.

U can get the SDK UIQ for free from the SE site:

Firs register, then u can go to the link above and install the
Symbian OS v7.0 UIQ 2.1 SDK Nov 19, 2003
Use the UIQ SDK to build applications for the Sony Ericsson P800/P802/P900/P908 phones. The SDK contains library files, documentation, sample code, tools and utilities for building applications in C++ and for creating installation files. Two versions of the SDK are available:

uiq2.1sdk_winscw (candidate 2) (Size 225 Mb)
Install this version of the SDK if you plan to test and emulate your Symbian OS applications using Metrowerks CodeWarrior

uiq2.1sdk_wins (Size 168Mb)
Install this version of the SDK if you plan to test and emulate your Symbian OS applications using Borland's C++BuilderX Mobile Edition


[ This Message was edited by: [-SWEET-HEART-] on 2004-01-28 11:35 ]
Joined: Jan 06, 2004
Posts: 102
From: ge foie
Posted: 2004-01-28 12:48
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Wow, nice one Sweet Heart, on the ball today. Much appreciated. [addsig]
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